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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    I'm almost 37 and my husband and I are about to start IVF to conceiveour first child. I have always been scared of being pregnant, because of my emetophobia. I'd like to hear how some women have dealt with this issue, especially if they've been pregnant. I feel like time is of essence and I really don't want to wait for therapy to heal me. I had an ectopic pregnancy 6 years ago. At the time, we weren't planning it but when I found out I was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I was also concerned about intolerable morning sickness. As soon as I found I was pregnant, I knew there was a possibility it would end in miscarriage, because of the symptons I had. Sadly, it ended 4 days later. I was only 4 weeks pregnant, but I do remember that I was more concerned about my baby than I was about morning sickness. I feel like I will be able to handle it but that fear is at the back of my mind...once I'm pg, there's no turning back! My sister is a nurse practitioner, and she knows about my emetophobia but I don't think anyone truly understands it unless they have experienced it themselves. Anyway, she told me to look at is a good behavorial therapy, if I'm plagued with morning sickness, then I'll deal with it head on and hopefully overcome my fears. If I didn't have to work, it wouldn't be so bad. I've been to four different psychiatrists, and none of them are familar with emetophobia or even heard of it. Two asked if it was a fear of vomiting in public, and if I thought people were laughing at me. No, it's a fear to me that represents suffocation, choking and not being able to breathe. It's equilivant to holding a pillow over my face. When I have actually gotten sick, I've been okay and no fears. But when I don't, the panic starts and gets worse until I feel better. It's so strange, when I actually get sick, I'm calm. When I don't, I panic.

    I've read some fears listed on here, under strange activities, and while I'm not happy there are people who suffer from this out there, I am glad to know I'm not alone. I only thought it was me that felt the panic and fear when someone around them vomited, avoided restaurants, etc. I always feel like if I tell a therapist, he'll look at me, and say "ah ha, go on..." all the while thinking "what a freaking nut." I think my fear started when I was 2. I was in a restaurant, on vacation with family when I started vomiting in the restaurant. My dad and grandmother panicked, because to them it was "Oh my God, I can't believe she's doing this in public, what are people going to think", whilemy mom tried to catch my mess with napkins. I can always remember having that fear, even as a child. It may have started when I was kindergarten, and while we were saying the pledge, one girl got sick and the others were "ewww..." I even suggested the incident from when I was 2 to the psychiatrist and he shook it off. He only prescribed meds, so I'm not sure how a therapist would view my experience, but it's very discouraging when a professional tells you "No, I've never heard of it before" and shakes their head in confusion.

    Pls share pregnancy experiences, I'd love to hear them.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi Monica,
    Welcome to the site. I had a great pregnancy, just felt n* a few times but never actually sick. I was more tired than anything. My labor and delivery was by far the best day of my life. I never thought about feeling sick or being sick. I loved being pregnant so much, I would be a surrogate if I could...lol!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better. No one really understands how you feel, when you have emetophobia, unless you go thru it yourself. I don't want this fear to stop me from living my life and having a baby. Was there any kind of medicine that your doctor prescribed for nausea, or did you even discuss it? I would like to stay med-free but it helps to know there are options if I need it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi Monica,

    I am new here, too and felt like I should respond to you. I was pregnant 4 times - we have 3 wonderful little girls who are now 6, 8 and 11.(sadly, I miscarried our last baby). I had some N* but never got to the point of feeling close to v*. Please don't let this fear hold you back from acheiving your dream. Emet is challenging to me as a mom, but I have no regrets. All the best in your journey to become parents!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    My husband and I are trying to conceive a child at the moment, well, not RIGHT now [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img], anyway, the thing that really scares me isn't really the pregnancy itself, but dealing with sickness and SV when the child/ren get them.

    How do other mothers cope?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    I can't explain how I cope, I just do. You really have no other choice, so it comes pretty naturally. It is still my biggest fear, but when it happens, we deal with it and life goes on. In the whole scheme of things, it really isn't that bad. I mean, it seems like it at the time and a few days after, but that is such a teeny part of your entire life.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Thanks for all the advice. It really helps to know how others cope. No one understands this fear, unless they have it themselves. I think I can deal with kids V**, because I will be very concerned about how they feel. My biggest fear right now is dealing with morning sickness, and then labor. Once I'm pregnant, there's no turning back.I would like to get over this phobia and live a "normal life".


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I was pregnant 4 times - have 3 wonderful girls [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]and miscarried the last one [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]. If it is any comfort,I did NOT ever v** from MS. I felt nauseous from time to time, but it was manageable for me.

    It IS hard when the girls are scik, but my hubby and friends help me cope.

    IT IS SO WORTH IT. Best of luck,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Hi, Monica, congratulations on your decision and facing your fears! My experiences were similar to other posters....never got sick during my pregnancy (or labor). I did occasionally feel nauseated in the early weeks, but only when I let myself get hungry. Part of that was the emet, too. My advice is to eat even when you don't feel like it.

    As far as meds, I've talked to other people who took something during their pregnancy. I want to say it was Reglan. Your doctor should be able to recommend something if you need it.

    Thank you for sharing your experience that started your phobia. I can completely understand how that stuck with you.

    I hope all goes well with the IVF and you're soon holding a precious baby in your arms, having forgotten about any worries you had during the pregnancy! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]



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