Two days ago I was eating at a Wendy's and all of a sudden I get this horrible flash of nausea. I mean I really thought I was going to spew. So I immediately got up and threw my food away and walked outside to get some fresh air. The nausea only lasted for a few moments but I totally freaked out.

My emet has pretty much been in check for like a year and a half but now I'm having a major relapse. I am afraid to eat the foods I once loved, I'm so afraid now and I don't know what brought this on. I'm not under stress, I haven't had any triggers lately. I've been eating bland foods, rice, crackers, ginger stomach hurts all the time now!

I really don't get it because I haven't needed to come here for so long that I forgot my password and had to create a new screen name! What the fuzz is going on with me?
