Just out of curiosity because I am thinking of this more and more often lately for some reason
Just out of curiosity because I am thinking of this more and more often lately for some reason
Yes, N* and v*...
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I experienced only n* during the first three months. But it was only sometimes and it was very easy to control with a few methods that I had.
I had nausea the whole time. I lived on those diclectin. I was panicked from the moment I found out I was pregnant- The first three months were anxiety hell for me. BUT i never did v*
I was SO AFRAID of labor because I heard many women V* Luckily I had an epidural from 1 cm and never had that problem. I did ask for a gravol following my c-section
I am so glad that I survived pregnancy, I didn't want to have kids because of the phobia. This to me is an accomplishement. Although I am not up to the task again.
I Love Horses .... and they can\'t v****!
omg...I have always wanted to have children but this is one fear I have!
I even decided to have only one kid for the fact that I don't want to have morning sickness.
Whenever (if ever) I do have children, I am going to take every (safe) morning sickness reliever on the market.
Labor doesn't even scare me much anymore (and I want to have a home water birth!) even though I have a LOW pain tolerance..so low that if someone pinched me it would hurt at least 3 minutes afterwards.
I just don't know how I am going to react if I ever get knocked up!Edited by: xmdslatx
thought i would bump this because its old and we have a lot of new members here so more people might vote.
I had both although I don't know why they call it morning sickness....there were days that I couldn't keep anything down. I was very, very sick. It didn't last forever though...as soon as I could feel the baby kick I was done with both.
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I had both as well. But, I have been on Zoloft and Klonopin since 2000. I was able to take my meds during the pregnancy. Yes I felt horrible from time to time...I even had the SV (got it from my visiting bro) when I was only 6 weeks prego...this was after going years without V!...I felt much more sick prego with my girl...She was the second...I also took Zofran...which helped me tremendously. The one VERY VERY unpleasant thing to me about being prego is that I would get constipated...and then when I would go...I would dry heav at the same time...it SUCKED...but I would do it again for my small people...its worth it...its the ONLY time Ving in life has a good outcome!
i didn't realize so many emets v* from morning sickness! is it wrong that i'm actually really thinking about surrogacy?????!!!!!
(edit: i don't have anything against surrogacy at all-- i think it's great for women who can't get pregnant-- but maybe my reason for leaning toward it is a bit silly.)Edited by: prncesspnk
im curious do morning sickness remedies actually work ?
Here is a site with morning sickness remedies.
Don't click on "share your experiences" if you are having a bad day.
they have a message board type of deal that do have women who are posting their morning sickness experiences...not very comforting lol
ive had two children with no n* or v* i had n* a little with my second baby but that was becsuse i wasnt eating enough xx
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No - I was lucky with both my pregnancies. But none of my female relatives suffered from morning sickness, so I was fairly confident. The thing I remember most about the first three months was the extreme tiredness. I could literally have slept standing up.
Yes to nausea, no vomiting. I had horrid extreme nausea for many hours a day (typically 4 p.m. until I fell asleep after midnight) in all three pregnancies. I toughed it out in pregnancy #1, used very, very, very occasional Phenergan with my 2nd, and used Zofran (not very helpful for me) and Phenergan (helpful) nearly every day from 6 weeks to 2 weeks before birth. Some truly miserable moments, but I was able to manage/take care of myself/prevent some of the worst.
I also experimented with the Unisom-B6 combo, Sea Bands, and so many forms of ginger that I will probably always feel a twinge of queasiness when I smell it.... Fountain Cokes helped. Frequently eating small amounts of protein helped.
Totally worth it, though. I'd gladly get pregnant again if I could, even though I have every reason to believe that the next one would likely make me feel even worse. Don't let this phobia cost you tens of thousands of dollars and miss out on an amazing experience! Getting treatment for the phobia would cost less! There's no guarantee you're going to feel sick, most women don't experience pregnancy sickness long if it afflicts them at all, and even if you feel poorly, you may never vomit.
I voted I haven't ever been prego.
To learn more about emetophobia, see
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i had pretty bad n* for the first 3 months, then it hit again during the last 2 months of my pregnancy. i just made sure to always have something in my stomach and it helped. i only ended up v* once during those 9 months, and it was because i ended up catching the 24 hour sv*, and even then i got to the hospital and made them stop me from v* before i could do it any more!
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