To answer Kyle's question, ativan(lorazepam) can be taken with at least some anti emetics. I have taken it with dramamine(dimenhydrinate) and it helps quell the anxiety. Also, the benzodiazepam drugs have a synergistic effect with some anti emetics and are often used to prevent or reduce nausea and v*ing in chemo and radiation therapy. You just have to have a trusted pharmacist or do the research online yourself to make sure any drug cocktail you may be taking is not dangerous. There are many online drug checkers. Just cause there is an interraction does not mean it is unsafe, for instance most antiemetics cause drowsiness and many anti anxiety meds may increase this effect as may other antiemetics or your regular SSRI drugs. The remedy is not to become dependant on antiemetics to exist and only use them when you are sick or have severe anxiety and not use them when driving at least not unless you know you can still be alert and safe or when performing other potentially hazardous activities.