As a completely healed (not just cured, not just recovered) former emetophobe, it is my opinion that on this board there is WAY too much focus on fear and little to no talk about courage (healing). How does anyone expect to get well if all you talk about is the problem?

I doubt there are many here who even believe in the God of the Bible let alone use God's word to overcome problems. So I expect this post to be ignored - even ridiculed - by most but maybe there's one person who will be helped by it - and that's why I'm posting it.

This is what I've learned. Emetophobia doesn't just happen. You create it. You don't need someone to teach you how to overcome it, you need someone to show you how to stop creating it.

I found that "someone" to be Jesus when finally, in desperation, I picked up His book and started studying what the Bible says about healing and, more importantly, how to receive it because God doesn't pick favorite people at random, slap them on the forehead and say, "YOU'RE HEALED!" God's supernatural healing has already been provided for every person on the planet who wants it.But simply wanting it isn't enough. Nor is wishing, praying, pleading, begging. You have to learn how to take what God has already provided for every single person on the planet.

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)
We literally physically become our thoughts and beliefs. So if all you're thinking is fear/danger/sickness/norovirus, is it any wonder you live in a constant state of anxiety where you don't feel safe in your own skin and where you feel sick (IBS, panic attacks, nausea) all the time? Our physical body responds to the commands given it by our brain. If the brain tells it "DANGER! DANGER!" the body behaves like it's in danger.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21)
Words are powerful. Words become things. God spoke the entire universe into existence and He put the same power to create in our mouths. God created the universe and everything in it with His words and we create our life with our words. What are you creating in your life through your words? Are you creating healing (freedom from emetophobia) or are you creating sickness and disease? (ever wonder why your emetophobia is getting worse and why you always feel nauseous?)

"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses; therefore choose life" (Deuteronomy 30:19)
God gave us power to choose: Life or death, blessings or curses - in every area of our lives, in every situation. He even gives us the answer when He says, "Choose life!" With our thoughts, actions, and words (whether we're aware of it or not) we are creating "life" or "death" in all areas of our life. When it comes to emetophobia, are you nurturing it, feeding it daily, treating it like a pet instead of the life-sucking enemy (curse) it is? Or have you stopped feeding it so it can die? What you don't feed dies; What you feed daily lives, grows, thrives, becomes bigger and stronger... and keeps coming back for more. Ever fed a stray animal? That thing waits on your doorstep once it's figured out this is where his food is.

Therefore, unless you like this fear of vomiting (and some people do and don't want to get rid of it), you, and only you, through the power of your thoughts and words and actions can kill it. If you don't choose "death" for your emetophobia, it will kill you. Maybe not literally but it will kill your joy, your health, your relationships, your piece of mind, your ability to enjoy life to the fullest and become everything God intended you to be. And kill it you must because if you only "overcome it" without killing it, it will be busy getting bigger, badder, and stronger so it can come back a second (third, forth) time even worse:

Return of the unclean spirit.
( Think of the unclean spirit as emetophobia and "seven other spirits" as complications of emetophobia such as agoraphobia, anorexia, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. "The house" is you. )

"When the unclean spirit (emetophobia) goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, 'I will return to my house (you) from which I came.' "And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. "Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil (agoraphobia etc) than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first." (Luke 11:24-26)

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10)
The thief in this case is emetophobia. It will only steal from you, kill and destroy parts of you and parts of your life. Emetophobia DOES NOT keep you safe. That safe feeling you get from holding on to your emetophobic tendencies is a lie of the enemy. You become its slave, it's puppet, its prisoner.