Hi All,
My 2 kids have been home for a couple of days with the dreaded Gastro bug. This is my "Fate worse than death". I have had periods of intense panic, but am dealing with it better each time (usually).
I'm really afraid of passing this fear onto my kids, because I cannot sick and stroke their hair while they are sick, and I do speak like I'm stressed.
I try not to beat myself up, because at least I don't run away (much as I would like too) and I do everything a "good" Mum should. Comfort them, clean them up and allow them to eat if they want (against my better judgement). I do get really angry that this fear came back after being free of it for so long. I've tried lots of treatments-Psychiatry, Psychology, Relaxation, Anxiety Management. Although I'm heaps better than I used to be, so I must be grateful for that.
How do other Mums cope??