Well I haven't been on this site in soo long, and didn't pop up to much when i was here, I mainly just browsed through everything. Well I am sooooo scared and just wanted to talk to people who actually no how it feels. Saturday I started my first job since my fear "came back" 3 years ago. oh gosh, saturday wasnt so bad but my next shift is tomorrow and I am sooo scared of someone being ill or myself being ill. I am kind of trapped there, I can't really just get up and leave. And its at a resturant!! I guess in a sense it shows that I have gotten a little better but I almost want to cry because I am so scared to go. The worst thing is that when my period is nearing I get very nauseated, i think its just nerves, but it is very close and im going to be at work.. any ideas of how to make this all a little easier??