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Thread: Bug! Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    So I've been out at college for two weeks now, and my worst nightmare is threatening to come true. Honestly, it's gotta be karma or something. Maybe I stepped on a royal ant or something, anyway!

    So for the past two days I've been hearing all over my school about people being sick. Loads of people have been sick with a sv since the weekend, but I don't live on campus and my roommates (I have 7) all go to a different college, so I was hoping I wouldn't be presented with this and would be able to avoid it on campus. Then! My roommate, not even just a person I live with but the person I actually share a bedroom with, gets sick. I'm not positive yet that she has the bug, but my other house-mate (who drove separately,) said that my roommate and another house-mate left the school half an hour ago because Reagan (my roommate) was saying she had a stomachache and wanted to come home. The school is five minutes away, so chances are she's somewhere on the side of the road throwing up... and soon she's going to come back here... and live in my house... in my BEDROOM, and now I'm terribly freaked out!

    It's only been two weeks, and I came down here knowing basically no one so there really isn't anywhere else I can stay. I'm going to sleep on the couch, but it still freaks me out that she'll be in my bedroom around my stuff! I've been a mad hand washer since I got down here, so I'm hoping I can get by without catching anything like this thing, but does anyone have any extra advice or ways of coping? Anything! Especially if other people in my house start catching it!

    Of course right now everyone else in my house feels fine and it has to be the ONE person out of SEVEN that I share a bedroom with. Me, the only one in here terrified of vomit/vomiting and petrified of catching any sort of virus that threatens to make me do that.

    That must've been one very important ant... Edited by: mxw08

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    Oh, and of course now I feel extremely stupid because everyone else in my house is completely chill about it, like they don't really care if they catch it or not. Agh!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    You poor thing!! A sv has been going around at my school for about two months and I swear I'm the only person who hasn't had it...yet - but at least I don't have to live with the people! Just be very careful what you eat and keep up the hand-washing at all the usual times (before eating etc., not excessively)...and I suggest spending as little time as possible in the room if she does have it (but again, don't get too excessive) and just making sure your own clothes and everything are kept clean. Sorry if people think that's bad advice but that's waht I would do!



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