Hi, sorry I keep posting like mad on here lately! It's been a very anxious last few months. So my latest issue...

I've always gotten hay fever-type allergies about twice a year for maybe a two week stretch, but been fine at all other times. Usually I just take a Claritin and I'm fine, but I just moved to a different city and my allergies are CRAZY! I take the same stuff I used before everyday, and it never completely helps. I mean, without it, I'm a huge allergic mess, but anyway, I've been dealing with this for two and a half weeks, but they've been weird today. It's like my entire throat feels clogged, and it's freaking me out. Anyone else with allergies feel like this, or even be able to recommend a better medicine?

Sorry this doesn't seem very emetophobia related, but there's a sv going around my school right now and it freaks me out that the allergies may be lowering my immune system. And my throat feeling clogged is making me freak out I may be catching it or something.