I'll say this.. I agree that McCain is a bit of a goblin looking character. No I don't agree with him on everything, I disagreed with he and Bush from Day 1 about the Iraq war for a variety of reasons. Lets be honest the rest of the world's opinion shouldn't affect who we choose as president, we have to act in enlightened self interest as I would expect citizens of other nations to do and not care two craps what America thinks. Also a lot of the economic woes that are blamed on Bush are structural and its difficult to blame either him or the democrats for them. I'm thinking of how we used to be one of the leaders in manufacturing, but no more. People say they're against outsourcing and I'd like to be but most likely goods made in the US would require higher wages which is a good thing...but that will be built into everything we buy, so will everything going up help the poor and lower middle class? No, will keeping the better paying jobs here offset it? Only partially...maybe. Its complex Sorry this was long.