i feel so sick right now. my stomach is turning. i keep burping. of course i have the trashcan next to me. i'm shaking and i feel like its 100 degrees in here. i have the thermostat down to 64 and the fan on me but im so hot. i hate this. i usually go through this every night but its worse tonight. i dont know what to do. i'm so sick of feeling sick. i wish i could be normal. i look at couples and i envy them because i could never go on dates or go on vacations with my boyfriend just out of fear that i'd get sick. i see people in restrtaunts having a great time and there i am trying so hard to just live a normal life and not be constantly worrying. sometimes i wonder if this is all really worth it. its not that i'm suicidal its just that i'm so tired of living like this. i'm so tired of being held back by my fears every single day, multiple times a day. i'm sick of taking precautions to make myself feel better. i'm sick of always having to plan my escape in case i get siick, or carry a trash bag in my purse along with some water. i'm really starting to think that i'm going crazy