[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]When I was around seven or eight I became sick and I was sick over and over again, I would V up to ten times a day. Than I would recover and become sick again two days after I recovered. The same thing happened. Iwould V10 or more times a day than I would recover and in less than a week I would be sick again... and V. This went on for months. I almost died from dehydration. The doctors ran all kinds of tests and coldnt find any reason as to why I became so ill. The doctor said that it must have been a reinfection witha rotavirus. To top this off both of my parents were alcoholics and I was abused as a child. I became afraid ofV and my intoxicated parents wouldV all the time. They wouldV on me and chase me with their emet just to be cruel because they knew I was afraid of it. OnceI left home(at 16)this fear subsided and I wasnt sick again untill I became pregnant with my first baby(about 4 years later). My husband was very supportive. I am 8 months pregnant with my second baby now and my husband has no idea I fear this. I became so sick again just last January and I ended up hospitalized. I had a terribel experience at the hospital thatI wont even get into. This fear has returned worse than ever and is ruining my life.

I start panicking when my toddler wakes up in the middle of the night. I am afraid she will become sick. I live alone right now(my husband is in the military) soI will have to take care of her. I want to care for her if she's sick but I don't think I would be capable of caring for her if she started to V. Last time I cared for her when she V I ended up sick two days later(Than I was hospitalized). That's how my fear returned worse than ever.

I am also eight months pregnant so i'm more opt to V. I hope I don't V. Any encouragment would be great. Thanks for listening....
