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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    So I figured this would be a neat poll with people who could write in their answers and maybe, hopefully help someone else

    Myself when I get that n* feeling, whether its because I am making myself freak out or because I might actually feel it (lol you know what I mean!)

    First thing I do is wipe out the ginger pills. I am a firm believer of herbal for everyday aches and pains. It works quite well for me because when I get n* its because of my IBS and my digestive system which is quite out of whack because of IBS and ginger promotes digestion so I figure if whatever is in my stomach that is making n* it will go away lol and it does, although sometimes if its not so bad something simple like Ginger Ale works

    Now if its really bad and the ginger isnt working fast enough or at all I go lie down in my room, which is quite dark all the time and cool. I also suffer from migraines so if I get one its important I have somewhere to retreat fast that is dark and cold lol.
    The cool definitely helps keep the n* down, then I do some aromatherapy.Lavender is wonderful for stress and it calms the body, and probably like many here when you get that n* you start to freak out and then it gets worse cause you are in a panic and its a vicious cycle.

    But Lavender is quite strong so I dont recommended it straight from an oil bottle but diluted or mixed with something else. Like Johnson & Johnsons has this wonderful lotion its stress relief and it smells wonderful I just put some on my hands and chest and close my eyes and take deep breaths and relax.

    Typically my n* will go away with those steps, if not I will usually fall asleep or I have my hubby rub my lower back slowly, and by the time I wake up my n* is gone.

    But I dont get n* till at night, dont know why its mostly at night I get it, I think its cause I worry about it a lot then and I had dinner and I love to freak myself out over what I ate [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    But eh am a working progress lol so what do you do to get rid of n*?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    I find comfort in laying on my stomach and watching tv.
    I also sip water and drink pepto.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I have many ways to relieve nausea depending on where I am and what kind of nausea it is.

    If I've overeaten/overindulged (v.common as I love food), I take the ginger and peppermint route - usually in the form of a hot tea infusion or even nibbling raw ginger root (v.effective).

    I can't lie down when I feel sick so when I can I go for a walk in the fresh air. Sometimes I walk briskly to tire myself out so I can be calmer. Plus I can't stand the thought of ever v* inside. Failing that, I find talking through my fears with a non-emet usually works, as their logical reasoning and calmness helps me calm down. I hate being alone when I feel sick.

    Pepto Bismol and Domperione are the anti-emetics of choice, and a diazepam if I'm working myself up into a panic. Domperione has stopped severe bouts of nausea within 15 minutes before.

    I also listen to soothing music and if the nausea is mild, will also drink Camomile or Lavender tea for a herbal calm-down.

    I've been known to use the wristbands for seasickness which can also help with other forms of nausea.

    Most of the nausea I suffer is pyschosematic (sp?), so I try and take my mind off it, by reading, talking, or watching something intriguing on TV.

    The weirdest way I cured some really bad nausea was one night when I was trying to slow my heart rate down. I realised the panic was making it all worse. So I kept taking my pulse by looking at the stopwatch on my mobile phone, and through breathing slowly and deeply, I timed my heart rate for ten seperate minutes solid until I got it below 80. It was quite mesmerising and I found after ten minutes, I was exhausted and drifted off to sleep...the nausea was gone! I think there is something to be said for a repetative activity like that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Kazzia
    I can't lie down when I feel sick so when I can I go for a walk in the fresh air.
    Wow..I'm the opposite! I HAVE to lay/sit down in order for it to go away or else mine gets worse.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    having polo mints
    chewing gum
    going into the garden
    having someone to talk to

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    xmdslatx - you're so lucky! It's more convenient to lie down to help the nausea ease off...I often get my worst attacks at night, just at the time when I can't exactly go randomly walking across the common or down the road (would probably end up getting stabbed!).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    Kazzia im with u! I hate the idea of v* inside! SO i have to walk outside or have the windows open so that I can have it freezing!
    Its me in the Pink Sparkly top!Do I look like an emet!No-1 even noes what it is!Where do u begin?

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I can't lay down either - and I have to open the windows to make it freezing too... If it gets really bad, I end up digging my nails into my skin so that my brain concentrates on the pain more than the nausea - not to be recommended but it often works for me. I take domperidone but don't know how effective it is - I took it when I had my sv recently and it didn't work . Sniffing peppermint oil really helped me recently too. Extra Strong Mints are also a life-saver and really take the edge off unless it's really bad...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    I cannot lay down either. And although I need fresh air (even if it's freezing outside) I won't leave my house, only open windows. I pace, chew on ice cubes, and read out loud. (yes, all at the same time) Thank-godness I have an understanding boyfriend who doesn't mind hearing my stories and me crunching on ice in the middle of the night! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    United States


    I take a pepto and either pop in a funny movie or start reading a light-hearted book (Harry Potter is my favorite book to read when I feel nauseous). If that doesn't work, I start to pace and talk to my boyfriend while pacing. If THAT doesn't work I pace and read at the same time (hard to do, but possible) with the television on. I guess what it amounts to is that I try to overload my brain with other things to concentrate on, since 99% of my nausea is psychosomatic.

    I suppose that's why I have such a hard time being in public when I get a nausea attack. You can't really do all that when you're on an airplane or at work or whatever. Still, I do my best.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Deep Breathing
    Ginger Root... I forever have a piece in my mouth
    Peppermint Gum... Also always have a piece in my mouth
    Fetal position usually
    And some times some herbal tea or coke

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Ok REALLY weird but today I was feeling quite n* after our big new years day lunch... And I had to go to my cycle class at the gym shortly afterwards which is 45 mins of intense cycling.....

    I got there still feeling sick... And for the first 15 mins I was sure I was going to have to run from the room to the bathrooms to v* haha... But I made myself stay and I got right into the intense cycling which you'd think would make it worse, but it went away!!! And it didn't come back! I was shocked...

    But normally I just suck on a Minty and sip lemonade [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    Lauren xx

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    I take zofran (4mgs) if it doesn't work I will take another 4mg...If that doesn't work I know its a SV and will probably V but the zofran makes it less severe. I use the internet. If I feel REALLY crappy I sort of pace around...trying to get my mind off of it...If its REALLY awful..I curl up on the floor near the bathroom. I have gotten much much better at Ving since I have had to do it due to morning sickness/childbirth/and about 2 or 3 SV's in the past 3 years. But, after having to V...and getting it more often...I think about it more...So, whoever thought simulating a barf situation to get over the phobia is on crack cocaine!!
    I think one of my biggest fear is getting cancer...not so much because I could die..but because of the chemo...HOW CRAZY AM I? LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    I lie down, but especially if it's something I ate, I will sit up and burp (excuse for the crudeness lol) and I will usually feel better.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Saudi Arabia


    I take primperan, swallow air and then make myself burp, roam around the house, pace outside the bathroom, drink hot water with a splosh of apple cider vinegar, sometimes take a warm bath if I feel cold with it. Different things helps different types of n* - wierd.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I too cannot bear the thought of v* indoors, it HAS to be outside, and if I feel n* I either have to go out (whatever the weather) or if that's not possible have the windows open, until my face is freezing but my bodies nice and warm in a blanket, or have a fan blasting directly at my face.

    sip lemon&ginger or peppermint tea

    wear anti nausea wristbands

    suck mints

    watch TV or read a magazine/book

    breath really deeply and slowly and repeat over and over in my head that "I will not be s*"

    I pace about for a bit then if i'm at home i'll sort of half lie/half sit on the settee, or if it's during the night in bed I lie on my left hand side with my right leg up (it's something my mum told me once helps relax the stomach) or if it's really bad i have to get up and go in the living room on the settee, the front room is my "safe place"

    Take Domperidone and/or pepto

    I used to take peppermint or ginger capsules but haven't been since i discovered the teas but i think i'll get some again, they won't do any harm.

    sniff a strong smelling aromatherapy oil like peppermint or a citrussy one or if i don't have any then a vick menthol stick.

    Edited by: paulinek

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom


    Me, I can't lie down if I feel ill... don't know why, it just makes me feel worse.
    Usually I blast loud music through my headphones as loud as it can go, something that I hope will distract me but usually doesn't.
    I usually heat up a hot water bottle or something.
    Bite my lips, haha, my lips are in terrible state.
    Sometimes if its really bad I will end up scratching myself and stuff... i used to self harm really bad but not so much anymore.
    I CANNOT drink teas or anything which is annoying - I used to when I felt ill always have sips of water but now when I feel ill I cannot drink or eat anything.
    I sometimes come on the computer to play mindless games or something just to take my mind off it...

    I think one of my biggest fear is getting cancer...not so much because I could die..but because of the chemo...HOW CRAZY AM I?
    Ohh I know how you feel. How stupid does it sound when I say I would prefer to die than to have to v*?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    I push and massage on my stomach. I don't know why but if I feel n* I HAVE to have one hand pressing into my stomach. maybe it's actually gas and that helps move it out?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    I become really still and hold my breath for short amounts of time if the n* is really bad. If it's mild I try a peppermint or sprite.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Here is what works for me:
    chewing strong gum
    eating anything minty
    eating a fresh lemon/drinking lemon juice
    talking with my mom
    eating anything sour
    a wierd one....thinking of oceans and the open wilderness...just earths beauty in general, and things i am looking forward to.

    p.s i find it odd how some of us cant stand the thought of being sick inside...i cant stand the thought of doing it outside...i need to be at home if anything or somewhere homey but preferrably my home.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I drink mineral water with gas and if it's really bad I call my mother and ask
    her to come and drive me home (by the way, I'm 26).

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    I immediately get up and walk around, usually adding in some menial housework (laundry folding, unloading dishwasher, clearing counters, sorting toys) so that I'm not just pacing and my mind is more occupied.

    I sometimes take homeopathic nux vomica or ipecacuanha or pulsatilla if the nausea isn't too bad.

    If I feel myself getting worked up about it, I drop some Rescue Remedy under my tongue.

    Pepto if it is probably because of something I ate.

    I take as little Phenergan as seems reasonable if I really think I'm in true danger of vomiting.

    I try to make myself busy with something else--turn on the TV, start reading a magazine.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    United States


    for some reason when I feel sick it will go away right after taking a pill for acid reflux. Alot of the time it's not my acid reflux doing it but it still helps.



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