So I figured this would be a neat poll with people who could write in their answers and maybe, hopefully help someone else

Myself when I get that n* feeling, whether its because I am making myself freak out or because I might actually feel it (lol you know what I mean!)

First thing I do is wipe out the ginger pills. I am a firm believer of herbal for everyday aches and pains. It works quite well for me because when I get n* its because of my IBS and my digestive system which is quite out of whack because of IBS and ginger promotes digestion so I figure if whatever is in my stomach that is making n* it will go away lol and it does, although sometimes if its not so bad something simple like Ginger Ale works

Now if its really bad and the ginger isnt working fast enough or at all I go lie down in my room, which is quite dark all the time and cool. I also suffer from migraines so if I get one its important I have somewhere to retreat fast that is dark and cold lol.
The cool definitely helps keep the n* down, then I do some aromatherapy.Lavender is wonderful for stress and it calms the body, and probably like many here when you get that n* you start to freak out and then it gets worse cause you are in a panic and its a vicious cycle.

But Lavender is quite strong so I dont recommended it straight from an oil bottle but diluted or mixed with something else. Like Johnson & Johnsons has this wonderful lotion its stress relief and it smells wonderful I just put some on my hands and chest and close my eyes and take deep breaths and relax.

Typically my n* will go away with those steps, if not I will usually fall asleep or I have my hubby rub my lower back slowly, and by the time I wake up my n* is gone.

But I dont get n* till at night, dont know why its mostly at night I get it, I think its cause I worry about it a lot then and I had dinner and I love to freak myself out over what I ate [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

But eh am a working progress lol so what do you do to get rid of n*?