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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    Hello everyone! So my life is sort of hellish on the anxiety front lately and right about now is quite possibly the worst yet. If anyone has anything even remotely relatable or reassuring? I would love it...Everyday for the past week or so my stomach has felt tingly or on edge all the time and it kind of has been freaking me out, but obviously it's not a bug because it's been going on too long. But tonight, I feel WEIRD, and I'm SOOOOOOOO scared!!!! And I feel so stupid and of course there's no one that can really relate... but my stomach feels way too churny, and I have no idea what's anxiety and what's real. I've sort of had d* all day and I don't think I'm nauseated but I sort of think I am but I'm not even sure what it feels like. Basically I'm SOOO freaked out. I can't really tell if my stomach feels weird or not, I keep thinking yes then no. I've had loads of anxiety attacks over this kind of thing before but this feels different. But then it always feels different.I'm so sorry this is garbled. If anyone can help I'd love it. I think some of this can be attributed to a sudden shift in weather. The day before yesterday it was in the 70s and today it's been in the 30s and it snowed. So I'm thinking maybe it's the weather shift making me feel weird but then I think maybe the weather shift has made me sick! I can't even say how freaked out I am... I'm sure you guys can relate, or maybe I'm just super pathetic. I'm terrified to go to sleep though, but I'm so tired.Basically I have no clue what the heck to do and am freaked out of my mind that I'm sick. Help would be appreciated [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    It sounds like anxiety is f-ing your stomach up.

    I can relate.I find myself thinking about it constantly even if I don't want to.Every time I eat or drink I wonder if I'm going to get sick.Every time I go out I wonder if I am going to accidentally touch my face and contaminate it with the sv*.

    Anxiety is horrible.I wished I was normal like I used to be not worrying about anything.

    I am having regular stomach aches and nausea everyday because of the anxiety.It really freaks me out but I have to come to my senses and tell myself that it is just anxiety since I KNOW I have not ingested the sv*.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United States


    The shift in weather can definitely make you feel wierd until your body gets used to it. However, it will NOT make you v*. I'm like that, though I love the change in seasons. Oh...and when it rains, I'm queasy until the sun goes down and I can't tell that it's overcast and drizzly.
    Sleep will help tremendously. I used to have such a hard time snoozing when I felt funny..."OMG, what if it happens while I'm asleep", but then a friend who is semi-emet told me that she tries to sleep when she is n* because it makes her feel better. I started doing that and it really does work. Plus, if I'm really gonna v*, I'd rather not stay up all night freaking out about it. It has yet to happen, though.
    You're gonna be fine...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States


    [COLOR=BLUE]Although, I am not one to be able to give to much advice on
    this subject---since I experience the same thing all the time..... Just know
    you are not alone.

    I have really been trying to talk positive to myself lately, and although in full
    blown panic I don't listen to myself --hehehehehehe--- I try to remember
    that as many times as I worry about v*. I have only done it 2x in my life. So
    the odds of it being anxiety related stomach feelings is very high......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    if it was a sv* that would cause v* you would have had it by now (sv*s take only a few hours at most to develop) so try to relax, and get your mind off it! anxiety can make you feel things your body isn't really feeling, and make small feelings much worse. so just try not to think about it for a while, and see if that helps!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States


    + I can relate.
    There are just some days where I'll be doing nothing in particular and I think my stomach feels kind of funny.
    It's not usually a nauseous funny but more like a "gurgly" funny.
    The thing is, even if I don't feel a nauseous pain, I keep thinking it will progress into that.
    I get kind of frantic and don't know what to do.
    I look at food and think, "I'm not eating that."
    Then it passes and I can't help but wonder if it was real or not.
    It can go on for days or nights.
    Sometimes it's on and off, and sometimes it's consistent.

    As for the fear of sleeping, that happens to me often.
    I can be extremely tired and fall asleep, but about five minutes later I hop up out of bed thinking I feel nauseous.

    It can be hard, I know.
    Just know that you are not alone in this.
    Know that it will eventually pass and you will start to feel better.
    Try to keep a positive outlook.
    When I'm depressed stuff like that always taunts me.
    Things will get better, you'll see. +

    + \"My musick may seem like ugly , angry, useless noise; but it is what I see in you, and it is precisely what you deserve.\" +

    - Rosemary Malign, Noise Artist -

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    yep i can relate too..
    i had a bad episode early this year..i just felt horrible for a few weeks..my mind was playing games i guess. i was just confused and didnt know what was happening.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States


    + The moment I feel even moderately weird I begin to panic.
    I try not to think about it, but my stupid brain likes to control me.
    When will it ever end?! +
    + \"My musick may seem like ugly , angry, useless noise; but it is what I see in you, and it is precisely what you deserve.\" +

    - Rosemary Malign, Noise Artist -

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    I wish I knew...

    And thanks for the help everyone! I wish I could say things have gotten much better, it was a one time deal, and I never feel like that anymore... but unfortunately such is my life. And it seems most other people's on here as well.


    The words "I hate it" don't even begin to cover it.



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