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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    So i have been having some gas/d* for the last hour or so, and i am just nervous that i may be getting an sv*. However i just started a new anti-depressant less than a week ago, it happened the first day that i took this, could that be the case again?
    I just am trying to ride out the next hour and a half in school, and stay calm until i get home. But even then, i think my dad is tired of me being nervous all the time.
    I really hope my meds work, but anyways, what do you think just meds? or in my head? or should i be worried?
    please help!
    \"The habbits of inattention and absence are strong, yet the experience of life, moment by moment, is precious\"

    AIM = burnbaby1017

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United States


    Sounds like it may be a side effect from your new meds. When I first started taking Zoloft I had d* constintly for about 2 months!!! But thats all it was. Just relax it doesn't sound like you are sick from a virus or anything. I bet its the pills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks! Ugh yeah i am starting Zoloft lol.
    Well its weird cause it has come in waves...i am not a huge fan. But if it helps i guess it will all be worth it.
    Thanks again
    \"The habbits of inattention and absence are strong, yet the experience of life, moment by moment, is precious\"

    AIM = burnbaby1017

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    im guessing its your bodys way of adjusting to new mediction, not a sv!

    how are you now?
    Its me in the Pink Sparkly top!Do I look like an emet!No-1 even noes what it is!Where do u begin?

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