Hi, I've had my phobia for a number of years now and it doesn't seem to be getting better. It is not as severe as some cases. My fear is of others being sick. I don't avoid public transport but I do worry whenever I'm on it. I find if I worry it's going to happen then it won't happen. Which you can imagine makes me a very anxious person. Even on holiday I worried when on a 10 minute boat trip which spoiled the journey. Against all odds I have become a teacher. Surprisingly I taught all year without directly being affected by it. I found I wasn't worried all the time because I was so busy; however whenever a child said they felt ill I would tell them to leave the room or would walk away from them. I have recently done supply work though and during the xmas party I had to make excuses and leave the room as several children complained off feeling ill after eating so much. I really do not want this to affect my life so much, I hate being around drunk folk and even want my fiance to stop drinking as he is very noisy when he is ill and can't sleep for fear he will be sick on me! Has anyone got any advice? I've heard hypnotherapy can help. Any other suggestions? My biggest concern is for the future as I want to be able to be a good mum if I have kids if they are ever ill.