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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    So... Saturday night my husband and I took my daughter and a friend to see Red Jumpsuit Apparatus at a local venue.

    So anyway we dropped the kids off (16 and 14) and went out to dinner. We went back to the venue to chaperone and I ordered one drink. Drank maybe half of it and got dizzy and lightheaded and s* to my stomach and told my husband we had to go to the car...

    Next thing I know -- I think I'm in bed dreaming. I'm being carried and people are yelling and there is confusion. I opened my eyes and realized that I must have passed out. They took me to the office and wanted to call 911 but I came out of it pretty quickly (after I asked for a trashcan because I felt like I might be s* -- thank goodness I wasn't).

    Now I am taking Celexa for anxiety but have had wine with no adverse effects so... I'm wondering if it was because I had a drink with whiskey in it (different type of alcohol). Anyone taking Celexa???

    Anyway just wanted to post. I felt pretty crappy all day yesterday but am fine today (just a little tired). Just wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience.

    Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Glad you're feeling better that sounds really scary, it;s just as well your husband was with you.

    I've never taken those tablets, but years ago I took prozac and drank with them (and I have a drink or two every night to relax so it's not like my bodies unused to alcohol [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img] ) and I got really bad n*, dizziness, light headedness and just felt generally spaced out so maybe if it's a similar type of drug then it could well be the drink. Funnily enough it wasn't so bad if i stayed at home and had wine, which you tend to sip, it was when i went out and had a bacardi that it happened and i think it's two reasons 1, the bacardi is stronger and 2, i don't know about anyone else but i drink faster when i'm out through a combination of nerves and also not putting my glass down as much which if i'm at home i do.Edited by: paulinek

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    I take Celexa 40 mgs a day but I've never drank in my life. not even a sip of wine so I don't know. Best wishes to you!! ((hugs))

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Thanks for the replys. Paulinek -- that's weird about the wine because I have been drinking wine on Celexa without any negative effects so.... I'm 95% certain that it was the Southern Comfort I was drinking (and like you I sip wine at home -- probably drank my 1/2 drink in under 30 minutes at the concert).

    miralexa85, are you tired all the time? I started 20mg before Christmas and am tired ALL THE TIME. I started taking B12 (per a forum) and that seems to be helping (although I hope its not the reason I passed out the other night).

    Bad reaction I guess. Everyone is trying to get me to go to the doctor but I see no point UNLESS it were to happen again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    Yea I did get tired all the time for about the first month. I take a mulitivitamin with iron because I am anemic (low blood count) which is why I feel tired alot. I also drink Celestial Seasonings chamomile and Sleepytime tea which I think is the true culprit for making me STILL tired, now that I've been on celexa for 9 months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Olympia, WA, USA


    I've been taking celexa for over a year, and I've drank vodka...nothing bad happened...and I doubt that whiskey would be any different, if you only had a little bit...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    that's happened to me before too... i'm totally ok with a drink or two here and there... but sometimes randomly a drink will hit me really hard (even it i've tolerated it well before) and i'll keel over... don't know why it happens to me. oh, i do take zoloft.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States


    You people should really pay attention to the warning about alcohol with any SSRI. Not saying you shouldn't drink but just be aware that the SSRI does interfere with your body's ability to metabolize alcohol. I think I was told that the enzyme that attaches to alcohol preferentially attaches to the SSRI, leaving you with more alcohol in your bloodstream than a person drinking the same drink without SSRIs. I asked cause I enjoy a little wine here and there and I was worried it might make me drunk, hungover and v*, that had never happened but I've never drunk a lot or messed with the strong stuff. Probably you passed out because of a quick drop in blood pressure. Do you have low blood pressure normally?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Not meaning to overreact but do you think your drink might've been spiked?

    Something very similar happened to a friend of mine recently after less than one drink, it turned out it was spiked. The only difference was that she was passed out for longer...

    Good to hear you're ok now!
    Lauren xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Thanks to all. I was "worried" that someone might spike my drink because I left it on the bar for a short time so... maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me but due to my short recovery time I think it was just a fluke.

    I used to drink more than I do now because I am aware of the interaction of the Celexa and alcohol but have had a glass or two of wine (more on New Years Eve) and have been absolutely fine -- NO ADVERSE EFFECTS AT ALL.

    I am thinking that it was either because it was 11 degrees outside that night and was warm in the bar (although I never felt hot) or that my bloodpressure dropped (that has happend to me before but not in the last 15 or 20 years). I really didn't know I was going to faint. I had some strange visual disturbances and felt very n* then I was out -- NO TIME TO REACT (in fact, my husband said to me after -- I wish you would have told me you were going to pass out -- my response was I wish I would have known myself - LOL).

    In any event, I will watch my alcohol intake very closly now -- since I'm paranoid and don't want a reoccurance.

    Nice to know you all are here for me (and each other)!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    New Zealand


    passing out is just the most horrible sensation....its only ever happened to me the one - last year. the day after we arrived in nz. work up feeling really energetic (would normally have felt jetlagged but for some reason felt AMAZING) so i jumped outta bed and showered and then came out and started rubbing tanning lotion all over - i started to feel a bit woozy and n* but it was that kinda REALLY hungry n* so i just said to my OH - "oh i'm so hungry i actually feel s*" - the next thing I knew my vision went blurry and i broke out into an all over sweat then BANG - I couldn't see. I was conscious though - because I was scared that I couldn't see and started to panic - I told Gavin I couldn't see and he sat me down on a chair - I was terrified and kept saying "i can't see....i can't see" and then i wanted to lie down so gavin carried me over and put me onto the bed and he held my hands and kept saying "you're okay.....i'm right here - just breathe nice and slowly" and then my vision came back.....i was covered in a prickley sweat and really tired and n* so i just lay there for a day.

    When i spoke to gavins aunt later she said that i'd probably started to faint from hunger (i'd been flying for 2 days and NEVER eat when I'm flying) and my automatic panic started and I started having a panic attack....all i know is that it was the most scared i've ever been.....now whenever i get the hungry n* i sit down until the wave passes and then eat something (even just some dry cereal or crackers) right away.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I take celexa and for several years I was fine with drinking some wine and even some vodka here and there, then one day I had a shot of vodka on an empty stomach and though I followed it up with some snacks after a few minutes I told my husband I wasn't feeling so well and he had to carry me to the bed because I couldn't walk. Since then I can't even drink a sip of wine without immediately going into the dizzy, drunk state.



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