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View Poll Results: Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

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  • No, not at all

    51 40.16%
  • Yes, I have a little a few times a year

    32 25.20%
  • Yes, I get drunk a few times a year

    7 5.51%
  • Yes, I drink regularly but dont get drunk

    27 21.26%
  • Yes, I get drunk regularly

    10 7.87%
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    What is your use of alcohol? For purposes of this survey, communion wine doesn't count.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    I don't ever drink alcohol.
    I don't like to be around anyone who has been drinking alcohol.
    Mostly because of my emet, partly because I don't like feeling intoxicated by ANYTHING (except Phenergan and Xanax) and a partly because I think people act like idiots when they've been drinking and it irritates me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    before i got pregnant i can say that i drink socially about once or twice a week!
    i used to get drunk almost everyday and never worried about v*, until the day i got alcohol poisioning and was v* for 12 hours straight. after that i still drink regularly just never really get drunk....maybe hit the "drunk" point once or twice a year but ive deff learned my limits so i wont get s*

    but friends of mine do ask me all the time how i can drink and be scared of v*
    but i know when to stop
    unlike them lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    It was hard but I'd do it again (c)
    Sometimes it takes a thousand tries to win (c)

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    Never have, never will

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I didn't really see an answer that fits me. I drink more than a few times a year, but not to get drunk. I have only been drunk 2-3 times in my life. And, I wouldn't say I drink "regularly" either. Maybe once or twice a month, a drink or two?

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    I used to drink socially (until very recently when I passed out after just one drink -- after starting Celexa) but now I'm afraid to drink at all!!!

    Will have to reintroduce myself very carefully as I do enjoy an occassional glass of wine with dinner and absolutely cannot stand being around drunk people when I am the only sober one in the room (drunk are annoying)!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States, OKlahoma


    A glass of wine with dinner, one beer at a football game...thats it!!! My limit is one drink per day, and only a few times a week, never been drunk, never WILL!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Next to nothing...I am trying to find a nice red wine for the heart healthy benefits only...to have with dinner. But I hate the taste!!! So until I find something, then no.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    I get drunk a few (one or two) times a year. Only when I get caught up in the coolness of a party.
    \"Don\'t mistake innocence for ignorance. Don\'t mistake purity for inexperience. Don\'t mistake humility for weakness.\"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United States


    I have never been drunk. I have drank in the past but not enough to make me drunk. Allthough once I did get a little silly

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    wow i am so far the only one who has chosen the "i get drunk regularly" option!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I drink white wine every night to help me relax and sleep. I do get drunk occasionly on the rare occasions I go out to a pub but I always eat a good meal first, NEVER eat on an empty stomach, and I just know my limits, but I think through regaular consumption of medicinal pinot grigiot my body has got a high tolerance level to alcohol and i've never got s* with it, even when i was younger and used to go out all the time and get drunk on a regular basis [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    yes i drink, i don't drink loads in one go to have hang over, but i drink very often, enough. not to be 'drunk' but to be very much under the influence.

    why? because alcohol is my cigarettes. i depend on it slightly to cope, it is not my stabilizer, or anti depressant, it is simply my way of escaping the hard reality of this phobia making my life feel hopeless.

    its my other way of hiding under a bed cover and closing my eyes, wishing i could not be here.

    it makes me not give a sh*, and it gets it off my mind if i am able to enjoy music and get in a happy mood, especially if it is my favorite song, i listen to it on repeat over and over, and not think about everything. if i am in a depressive mood, sometimes it emphasizes the depressed emotions, but still lets me have a get over it kind of feeling.

    i wouldn't consider my self a social drinker atall. i do not drink just socially to have fun, although i love to when in that situation or given that opportunity. otherwise its anytime i feel like it.

    p.s. - i wouldn't recommend drinking to any emet who suffers fear/panic daily and has nausea because of it. although i would recommend it to anyone who feels normal everyday (no nausea/constant fear/panic) and wants to try it. don't be afraid of v*. alcohol is like anything else - too much of it = s*. you can enjoy a drink. just know your limit, and stick to it, and you'll be fine. don't drink on an empty stomach though. when you start to feel the effect of your drink, then just slow down or stop, if you want to be 'safe' and avoid passing your limit.

    drink a glass of water before you go sleep. and you'll be fine.

    happy drinking.

    Edited by: kyle1989

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Los Angeles


    Wow, it seems I'm among the minority of emetophobes who imbibe on a regular basis. I've actually found that getting drunk has been somewhat of a crutch in helping me to avoid dealing with this fear.

    Obviously, I think "what if??", and it's funny, cos the ONLY times I've thrown up in the past 10 years has been when I was intoxicated. I avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and 95% of the time I know my limit, but when I'm drunk I just stop caring so much, and it feels good. Makes me feel normal.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United States


    i've only been drunk once in my life, but not to the point of v*. amazingly i still knew my limits even though i had passed out on my friend's couch.

    i have a drink maybe once a week now, and NEVER hard liquor. it's only malt drinks like mike's hard lemonade, smirnoff ice...and of course i love my strawberry white wine ^_^

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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by brittneylee
    Wow, it seems I'm among the minority of emetophobes who imbibe on a regular basis. I've actually found that getting drunk has been somewhat of a crutch in helping me to avoid dealing with this fear.

    Obviously, I think "what if??", and it's funny, cos the ONLY times I've thrown up in the past 10 years has been when I was intoxicated. I avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and 95% of the time I know my limit, but when I'm drunk I just stop caring so much, and it feels good. Makes me feel normal.
    thats exactly the same right here..

    the last time i was actually sick, was because i was intoxicated too much.

    and it was the most pleasent experience iv ever had in v*. because being intoxicated (i have probably said this 100 times on this website now.. but don't give a shh) like turned off what ever causes panic or fear to set in when i feel sick.

    before that, i hadn't v* for about 8 years. and before that time, i don't remember another occasion of v*. just bad times of dealing with nausea when i was a kid and panicking.

    Edited by: kyle1989

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Los Angeles


    Quote Originally Posted by kyle1989
    Quote Originally Posted by brittneylee
    Wow, it seems I'm among the minority of emetophobes who imbibe on a regular basis. I've actually found that getting drunk has been somewhat of a crutch in helping me to avoid dealing with this fear.

    Obviously, I think "what if??", and it's funny, cos the ONLY times I've thrown up in the past 10 years has been when I was intoxicated. I avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and 95% of the time I know my limit, but when I'm drunk I just stop caring so much, and it feels good. Makes me feel normal.
    thats exactly the same right here..

    the last time i was actually sick, was because i was intoxicated too much.

    and it was the most pleasent experience iv ever had in v*. because being intoxicated (i have probably said this 100 times on this website now.. but don't give a shh) like turned off what ever causes panic or fear to set in when i feel sick.

    before that, i hadn't v* for about 8 years. and before that time, i don't remember another occasion of v*. just bad times of dealing with nausea when i was a kid and panicking.
    I actually feel still scared of v* when I'm drunk, but the fear is lessened just enough to enable me to do it if I have to. It's funny that alcohol does that for me, because sedatives (like Klonopin & Xanax) haven't done ANYTHING to help! Obviously, they are great for my panic attacks, but as far as the actual phobia goes, they do nothing.

    Anyhow, at least there is something that works for us! I'll drink to that. javascript:AddSmileyIcon('[img]smileys/smilies_14.gif[/img]') Hehe.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by brittneylee
    Quote Originally Posted by kyle1989
    Quote Originally Posted by brittneylee
    Wow, it seems I'm among the minority of emetophobes who imbibe on a regular basis. I've actually found that getting drunk has been somewhat of a crutch in helping me to avoid dealing with this fear.

    Obviously, I think "what if??", and it's funny, cos the ONLY times I've thrown up in the past 10 years has been when I was intoxicated. I avoid drinking on an empty stomach, and 95% of the time I know my limit, but when I'm drunk I just stop caring so much, and it feels good. Makes me feel normal.
    thats exactly the same right here..

    the last time i was actually sick, was because i was intoxicated too much.

    and it was the most pleasent experience iv ever had in v*. because being intoxicated (i have probably said this 100 times on this website now.. but don't give a shh) like turned off what ever causes panic or fear to set in when i feel sick.

    before that, i hadn't v* for about 8 years. and before that time, i don't remember another occasion of v*. just bad times of dealing with nausea when i was a kid and panicking.
    I actually feel still scared of v* when I'm drunk, but the fear is lessened just enough to enable me to do it if I have to. It's funny that alcohol does that for me, because sedatives (like Klonopin & Xanax) haven't done ANYTHING to help! Obviously, they are great for my panic attacks, but as far as the actual phobia goes, they do nothing.

    Anyhow, at least there is something that works for us! I'll drink to that. javascript:AddSmileyIcon('[img]smileys/smilies_14.gif[/img]') Hehe.
    i still feel scared as well if i become nausea's when drinking. the time i mentioned though, i was really drunk. drunkest iv ever been and never plan to be that drunk again, but i was drunk to the point where, i didn't even realize i felt s*, it just kind of occurred (throwing up) i threw up 4 times in total i think, but i don't know for sure, my mum was watching me, i had my eyes closed through out the whole thing, i originally just went to lay down because i was to drunk to stay awake. when i layed down i realized how bad i was.. felt like i was laying on a bed that was spinning in circles.

    Edited by: kyle1989

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I get drunk all the time to the point of not being able to remember anything the next day lol... And I don't v* from alcohol.
    Lauren xx

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Los Angeles


    Quote Originally Posted by lozzag
    I get drunk all the time to the point of not being able to remember anything the next day lol... And I don't v* from alcohol.
    Hahahaha. I think I like you.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    United States


    I drink wine occasionally. I've never been drunk.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2009
    United States


    I like wine and champy but I avoid night clubs and bars.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Is champy champagne?Edited by: harmonygirl72
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States


    Never been drunk. Probably never going to be.
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I drink a little wine from time to time, but have not been drunk. It is not my
    thing man. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]
    Life is so worth living.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    United Kingdom


    I put no. I had about half a smirnoff ice when I was 17 (I'm 23 now) and the next day I went to Lakeside (shopping centre) with my friend and felt so sick I never touched the stuff again. Oh well, at least I save lots of money!!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    "You had some of the best times, you'll never remember with me,
    Alcohol!" [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Edited by: sdfl
    Life is so worth living.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    United States


    I very rarely drink and Ive never been drunk

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2009
    United States


    I drink regularly but rarely get drunk. I used to be quite the hard core partier and once I even drank enough that I v*ed. The funny thing is, I was so drunk that I didn't even care! I was kind of proud of myself! Lol! There were also several occasions where I would get sick in the morning after, not very fun, but wasn't that big of a deal. I
    think knowing that it was always alcohol induced and there



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