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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Western Australia


    OK, Being and Emet there are many "worst ever" situations you could be involved in and i actually experienced on in January this year...

    My husband and I went to Broome (in Western Australia) for our first wedding anniversery and him being a mad keen fisherman of course we had to go Fishing, all good but then we HAD to go on a FISHING CHARTER... Hello?? a Boat, which (mind you travelled for 3 hours to get to the fishing spot, and likewise on the way back) would be full of people i didnt know anything about.... main concern... do they get seasick??

    So after dreading it all the days before we went i went with Hubby and while picking all the people up on the tour bus i was analizing every single one to see which look like the seasick type, oh how i was so WRONG! There were 15 people on this charter - (not including crew) and hubby and i and another couple were the only people on this boat NOT to get seasick....

    On the way out it only took 15 minutes for the first culprit to take victim... so there i was stuck for a WHOLE DAY on a boat with lots of spewy people I downed my anti-emets and delt with my anxiety (which has been easier to control since seeing a pshycologist) and went on with the day, as we were going to the fishing spot it got worse and worse.. they were going down like flies! so i hid myself in the cabin talking to the skipper to get my mind off it and then we were fishing and there were the many odd on again off again victims then when we moved spots my little space was taken by one of the sick ppl so i was forced to sit outside with everyone ... geez, doesn't help when some people are LOUD ABOUT IT!! So none the less, i didnt eat anything when lunchtime came around on the boat and i just sat there scared out of my wits with a rumbling tummy which was doing sommersaults (anxiety or seasickness nausea.. whatever!) so when we came back after a full 9 hour day hubby actually was gloating to my parents etc at how well i actually did on the boat in the situation...

    Even though i can control my anxiety etc i'm still so skeptical as to whether i have been cured as i still fear pregnancy/ms etc... I just thought it may be uplifting to hear that even when we are put in the most fearful situations that we can go through them and handle them... Even though still in my mind the images and thoughts of that day give fill me with fear when i remenisce!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    United States


    yay! that is so great! i'm so happy for you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Wow...I think i would have dived off and swum back to shore in that situation, euch....well done you [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Just out of interest, do you think it helped knowing that what they had wasn't contagious?

    it's great to hear things like this, it just shows we CAN cope when we need to.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Great job! You should be very proud. All my friends went on a trip like this once, I stayed home. They all got sick on the boat but one.

    Now you should make him redo your anniversary with something you enjoy.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    My husband and I went to Hawaii once with three other couples. On our first day, I suggested we take a boat trip. As luck turned would have it, my husband and I could not go (he had something else scheduled for us). Our friends decided to do the boat trip. It left Oahu and went to another small island for the afternoon. My husband and I scheduled to meet up with them later that day. We were about a football field away from the pier when we say the boat pull up and the people get onto the pier. ALL of them were holding their stomachs.

    It turned out that the trip to the island was glorious. On the return, they hit horrendous waves and swells. Everyone on the boat got sick. As sick as our friends were, they were laughing about it. It took them about one hour to recover and we all went out to dinner. Had I been on that boat, my trip would have been ruined.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    United Kingdom


    I am new to this site and feel so relieved that I am not
    alone in this. In the south of England it is a short
    boat trip to France - the widest distance being a four
    hour journey. I braved it once in a force 9 gale. The
    woman next to me had to v* and I took so many pills I
    slept all the way to the South of France when my partner
    drove off the boat. He sat in the restaurant eating
    breakfast in front of me to help me to feel better. He
    suffers with emet too but has since taken his skipper's
    licence and charters sailing boats!! Is this to show me
    how brave he is?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Western Australia


    rentaduckie - how cute is your screenname!! haha Thank you!! I was proud of myself too and for my husband to say to people how proud of me he was for this meant a lot also...

    paulinek - i deffiinately think thats what helped me cope the most. knowing it was motion/sea sickness and that i couldnt "Catch" it from them if i was near them!! If it wasn't on the boat and everyone around me was sick i would have been a lot more worse thats for sure!!

    tink - dont worry i have a few places i want to go and do what i want to do already on a long list haha!!

    stella9 - omigosh!! hawaii would have been absolutely gorgeous haha kinda funny story... lucky for you you got out of it!!

    plantcollector - Yes, there are plenty of us from all around the world.... sometimes i feel like i have a split personality with how quickly i can turn!!! --- thats great about your husband - hopefully it may help him become a lot stronger with his emet and its great that you have someone who is understanding of what you go through etc



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