I decided that i don't really like school anymore. These two experiences have happened within the last week. I was in my english class and i looked to my left and this girl was having a major asthma attack and i got nervous. i stood up and just walked around to settle my nerves but it didn't help because she stood up and ran out yelling that she had to get to the bathroom quick. so i started crying and shaking and freaking out of course. mind you, i'm in english class.. so people start wondering what the heck i'm doing.. i kinda shout out taht i'm emetophobic and go on freaking out. "what's that!" of course.. but i didn't have to explain it because my friend mindy knew about it so she just said she can't handle P***. so this stupid jerk turns to me, who is still crying and shaking, and says "like this?" and shuvs his finger down his throat! he didn't V* but he started gagging. i don't think i have ever felt that horribly treated by someone before. as if i wasn't freaking out bad enough, i got worse and i couldn't handle it so i grabbed my keys and had every intention of never coming back to that class. but my teacher stopped me and calmed me down. i had to go to the bathroom and wash my face from the black mascara and stay out in the hall for a while but i came back and that kid felt so bad!!

The second experience happened a couple days ago while i was on a school bus trip. i was kinda nervous just because i was on a bus with 30 kids for 4 hours... someone is bound to get sick. so i kinda explained a little to the kids just so they could be cautious. later in the hotel room some of my girlfriends were asking me about it and decided to show me that they can't make themselves V*. She again shuvved her finger down her throat.. I almost started crying and i was shaking and yelling pretty bad. she felt bad after and didn't realize how serious it was until that. the whole rest of the trip she tried as hard as she could to keep me away from anyone that felt sick at all.

Just some venting... sorry if that was boring... but it's not very often i have two or three panic attacks to that degree in one week.... odd.