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View Poll Results: How long after you ate did you have fp.

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  • Immediatly I felt sick.

    0 0%
  • Within 20-60 minutes

    5 17.86%
  • Within 2 hours

    1 3.57%
  • Within 3 hours

    2 7.14%
  • Within 4 hours

    5 17.86%
  • Within 5 hours

    5 17.86%
  • Within 6 hours

    5 17.86%
  • Longer(Mention why you think it’s fp)

    5 17.86%
Results 1 to 28 of 28
  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States


    If you've ever had fp, How long after you ate did you feel sick?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hmm don't know what to put cos there were two suspect things I ate that day:

    A sausage roll from a bakery where the pastry was really tough underneath like it had been in the warmer all day the day before then reheated and put back in the warmer that morning......it was a saturday so don't think they'r cooked it fresh. That would have been mid morning when I had it.


    Mussells - Home cooked fresh mussells marinara, which you would automatically think would be the culprit but the thing is i wasn't all that hungry when i ate them and I'm ALWAYS hungry [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img] prob had them about 7 or 8 pm

    i v* about 10.30pm - Never ever had mussels since by the way once i learned what a high risk shellfish is.

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  3. #3
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    Fish is generally a high risk food in general, I still love it though!
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I have never had it personally that I know, although we suspected a chicken
    sandwich from McDonalds once, but no one else who ate there with me got
    ill, and it happened within two hours. Just the butt bazooka, no v*. However I
    had a friend who had it from a Big Mac, and it happened within 4-5 hours.
    Life is so worth living.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wtf you guys get the most suspect stuff from McD's over there haha :s

    Last time I had it I ate like 5 cupcakes (I was doing my leaving certificate and I was stressed ok!!! Haha) and literally EXACTLY 4 hours later I had to v*.... So I technically don't know if there was something wrong with the cupcakes or if I just overdid it, but I'm pretty sure it's the fp* option as I wasnt overly full or anything at the time.
    Lauren xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    United States


    i ate a McDonalds chicken sandwich and some fries about 6 o'clock one night.
    the next day i didn't feel good at all.
    and all i could choke down was lucky charms.
    i felt like i was going to v* all day long, but about midnight the next morning i finally did v*.
    needless to say, i haven't eaten McDonalds since.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by brookie
    i ate a McDonalds chicken sandwich and some fries about 6 o'clock one night.
    the next day i didn't feel good at all.
    and all i could choke down was lucky charms.
    i felt like i was going to v* all day long, but about midnight the next morning i finally did v*.
    needless to say, i haven't eaten McDonalds since.
    I don't mean to offend but that sounds more like one of those 'one-day' sv*s or 24 hour sv*s
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    How can you determine if it is noro or fp?

    i heard that salmonella lasts about a week....???

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles


    I've always heard it can take 12+ hours for fp* symptoms to present themselves, though that doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you consider the time span it takes your body to digest food. I constantly freak out about this, though I do not think I have ever had legitimate fp*. Just anxiety associated with thinking I may have caught it. All the non-emet people I know who've actually had it say it set in within a few hours of eating the contaminated food.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    United States


    For certain toxins it can take 16-24 hours to appear. but from what I've heard it's not that common, One example is fp from the toxins the staph bacteria produce. It can onset up to 16 hours after you've eaten food but it generally presents within 4-6, Also botulism is one that I think might take longer I'll have to look. But I thought botulism caused more crap like nurological symptoms but thank god it's a rare toxin to come across.
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States


    Both times that I have had fp*, I have had it 9 hours after eating. I know it was fp* because the symptoms came and went fairly quickly, and people who ate the same food felt similarly (people who had different things were fine).

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States


    *May be graffic*

    I'm pretty sure I had fp 10-12 hrs after eating a blizzard from Dairy Queen. (I never went to the doctor so I can't be sure.) I woke up in the middle of the night and my stomach was making very wierd noises. I woke my mom to tell her that I felt wierd (I thought I was hungry) and all the sudden I had to run to the bathroom. V* and d* at the same time! That night I v* about every 20 min until there was nothing left. I've never been that s* in my life, I usually only v* 2-3 times with a s* v* so I really think I had f* p*.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    In about 4-5 hours. I ate strawberries in the evening. At night I woke up, v*ed, went to parents and v*ed a few more times.
    It was hard but I'd do it again (c)
    Sometimes it takes a thousand tries to win (c)

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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Massachusetts, United States


    I think it took about 3 hours.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    United States


    I'm not sure if this was fp*, as I didn't get checked for it by a doctor or anything, but I'm thinking it could have been since the people that ate the same thing I did were sick around the same time I was (on the evening of the day we ate it) with similar symptoms. I don't know... could have been a sv* or something else as well. Anyway, if it was fp*, then I would have first started feeling n* around 4-5 hours after I ate the food.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    About 10 years ago, I had a muffin and a glass of milk before going to bed around 4 AM.

    I woke up around 7 AM, laid in bed shaking and n* 'til 9 AM, and then proceeded to have a full-on bathroom marathon. D*, v*, the works.

    I haven't really been able to eat muffins since. And I really loved the coffee cake ones... =(

    Wow, that made me really sad. I miss those muffins. But, even now, large muffins give me indigestion for some reason. Small ones are fine, but large ones never sit well with me.
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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United States


    About 8 years ago, I think I had fp. It was a McDonald's Big Mac with me, about 9 hours after I ate it, and I'm pretty sure it was the sauce because (really gross) I could taste it all night while I was sick. The sickness was the works, d* and v* for about 6 hours, with the v* just about every couple of hours and the d* about every 20 minutes. I'm not POSITIVE it was fp, because I was much better, although weaker, the next day, and I think fp lasts longer? The worst part was that I was living in a boarding house with mostly older men in the other rooms, and only two bathrooms between everyone on the first floor (about 15 people). I felt almost as sorry for those other people as I did for myself

    Needless to say, I haven't had a Big Mac since.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    i got it from chicken parmesan once, im guessing the chicken wasnt cooked enough but i started feeling n* about 2 hours after i ate it. i ended up v* EXACTLY 5 hours after eating it. but you know when its fp bc you get VIOLENTLY ill and i mean i v* like i never have before. theres really no way to hold back fp AT ALL bc believe me i tried. but after i v* about 3-5 times i felt soooo much better. the next day i was extremely weak and i couldnt eat a lot, plus my chest hurt really bad from v* so hard. but i have never and will never eat that particular dish again.

  19. #19
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    Two or three times it was within about 2 - 3 hours after eating. Once from a seafood restaurant (that I never liked but it was Good Friday) and twice from my FAVORITE Italian restaurant (once from Perch and once from Chix Parm) although I may have overeaten the day it was the Chix Parm (LOL). Both times I only v* once.

    Also Panera made me s* a full 27 hours after I ate there. As for why I blame them well I just do! Hate to think I left myself open to the dreaded sv* -- I didn't feel well that morning but went to work, couldn't eat lunch (or smell food), and had d* and dry heaves for three hours before I even went home -- but shortly after I left I v* then twice again at home then fell asleep and woke up feeling just fine!

    I know I know -- FP hits far before 27 hours -- so maybe it was a virus because one of the guys brought his s* daughter in a few days before this happend and of course she used my bathroom -- argh....Edited by: kellygirl

  20. #20
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    Jul 2009


    8 hours it took me to get sick. I wasn't eating 3-4 hours after though! it was the norwalk virus because the guy touched money then touched my cheese curds for my poutine. only thing I ate then woke up at 3 in the morning dying!

  21. #21
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ia2006
    How can you determine if it is noro or fp?

    i heard that salmonella lasts about a week....???
    noro can last a couple to a few days and not hit you til 8-12 or even 24 hours later and make you feel like your going to die! FP usually hits within a few hours like staph hit real fast and makes you violently ill fast. they both make you just as sick I think SV* is way worse though. I've had both.

  22. #22
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    Aug 2009


    7 years ago. I was in college and had some tuna macaroni salad for lunch (made with mayonnaise, was in a salad bar that was probably not kept cold enough - so I am CONVINCED it was fp). I felt fine beforehand, ate the evil macaroni salad at noon and started feeling "off/kinda n*" at 4PM, thought that maybe I just needed to eat something. BIG MISTAKE. By 6:30 I was violently ill. I almost needed to go to the hospital to get an IV - it was awful!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Tacoma, Washington, USA


    These are awful stories! I hope none of you have to experience this ever again.

    I think i've had f* p* once but can't be sure, they say that most of the time sickness is blamed on f* p* it is usually a s* v* transmitted through the food, not bacterial.

  24. #24
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    United States


    I've only had fp once, or at least only once where it caused v*ing. My school served sloppy joes for lunch one day and everyone who ate them became ill. The symptoms came on in 3 hours or less. It must have been that quick because we ate lunch around 11:30 and most of the kids were sick before the end of the school day. Lots of kids were v*ing in the bathroom and the halls. It was a nightmare. I felt terrible, but being the good little emetophobe i was, I held out until I got home.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I MAY have had fp...but never truly figured it out. I was 11 years old and went out to a restaurant and ate 2 slices of pizza, a salad (from the salad bar)with Italian dressing, and a glass of milk. Maybe a gross combo? Maybe noro..I am unsure but I vomited within a half hour of eating all the food. Is that too quick for fp??
    I don't think it was noro because I felt FINE before and afer all the vomiting episodes.
    Graphic: I yacked my guts out. No diarrhea though. I still wonder what the hec happened that day. Maybe it was the milk and italian dressing? Something was up.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kaiyla
    Is that too quick for fp??
    It's common for fp to start that quick.
    It was hard but I'd do it again (c)
    Sometimes it takes a thousand tries to win (c)

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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kassiewoodruff
    Quote Originally Posted by ia2006
    How can you determine if it is noro or fp?

    i heard that salmonella lasts about a week....???
    noro can last a couple to a few days and not hit you til 8-12 or even 24 hours later and make you feel like your going to die! FP usually hits within a few hours like staph hit real fast and makes you violently ill fast. they both make you just as sick I think SV* is way worse though. I've had both.

    When ingesting the toxins from the staph bacteria, the person ingesting them will be violently ill 2-8 hours after eating and will be v*ing extremly high amounts for several hours. I always will wear gloves if I have an infection or something on my hands when I'm making food. Some food poisoning can hit 8-16 hours after ingestion, I do not remember what kind.
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  28. #28
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by kspappas
    These are awful stories! I hope none of you have to experience this ever again.

    I think i've had f* p* once but can't be sure, they say that most of the time sickness is blamed on f* p* it is usually a s* v* transmitted through the food, not bacterial.
    May I ask where you read this? I'm not questioning the accuracy of your knowledge, I would just like to see what you read.
    Life is a wonderful ride.



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