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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    Ok, I know EVERYTHING about it sucks..lol..but if you could pick one worst thing about it, what would it be?

    For me, I think the worst thing is the fact that it can be multiple times.If I can be guaranteed that no matter if I had a stomach virus or food poisoning, if I would only v* once..I would probably not worry much at all about v*!

    This is probably one of the scariest part of v* for me..the fact that you don't know how many times you are going to do it for how long (like those who go for hours)

    It is would only be once for every illness...I would be ever so grateful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Los Angeles


    I think the scariest thing for me (and, from what I've heard, many other emets) is the feeling of n*! I've heard that actually v*ing isn't that bad, though from my memories of the last time I did, it was horrible. I don't know. The entire thing is disgusting and scary, it's hard to choose one aspect of it. But I suppose the hours of fighting back the n* and trying not to v* is the worst.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Vancouver, B.C, Canada


    ill have to say the n* before hand,. the anticipatory thoughts, the taste, the smell, the sight.. i guess everything mostly. Although when im v* im usually fine just ore or less in shock afterwards cuz i always fight it so hard.
    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Goodness, it's hard to narrow it down to just one thing! But yes I suppose the fear is the most traumatising part because it's there every day, whereas the v* itself only lasts a minute or two.

    I hate not knowing how many times it's going to happen too..when i got noro at christmas i think apart from the actual v* it was the worst thing, the anticipation of what might or might not happen [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United Kingdom


    the un controlable g* that happens when it is actually happening you know?, like the fact that your body is taking over and you go all urrrrghhh and g*ggy, i dont really know its soo strange......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I don't even know. The feeling of n*. And those seconds right before v*, when n* is at its worst and you realise that it is going to happen and you cannot control it.
    It was hard but I'd do it again (c)
    Sometimes it takes a thousand tries to win (c)

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    defanitly the n* and not knowing if you are actally going to v* i sometimes get up from a nice warm bed to sit on the cold hard floor of the bathroom for like an hour then burp and i'm fine but i find it hard to get to sleep its so frustrating

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Olympia, WA, USA


    The lack of control...I mean the actual v* is absolutely disgusting, but I have serious control issues...
    Facebook: Kayla Rose Matheney

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by virgo_witch
    The lack of control...I mean the actual v* is absolutely disgusting, but I have serious control issues...

    me too

    The weird thing is..I didn't have much n* when I v* last time.Of course I cannot stand the n*....but..egh...if only I can do it one time per illness it wouldn't be that bad! why can't it be like that! why!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    The lack of control, and the forceful nature of it. It's so scary! Ugh and not to
    mention the delightful aftertaste [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]
    Life is so worth living.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    For me it's definitely the lack of control. I hate that I have no control over
    what my body is doing. And I feel n* so much of the time that I'm scared I
    won't be able to control it in time to get away from people or get to a

    If I was guaranteed to be in the comfort of my home every time I had to get
    sick, I wouldn't worry so much.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    ^Lack of control.

    Also, I really hate the n* and how with a bug it can hit you out of nowhere. One minute you feel fine then BAM! you are out for the count.

    I also hate how when you v* it can ruin everything. I mean, if you are doing something you like then you get sick, suddenly that thing is tainted forever. It can ruin foods...because if you get sick right after eating something you like....

    The taste and the retching...too.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by heretohelpx
    the un controlable g* that happens when it is actually happening you know?, like the fact that your body is taking over and you go all urrrrghhh and g*ggy, i dont really know its soo strange......
    yes, that! I hate that.

    The worst part of this phobia is the fear, not knowing when or if you'll get it. Coming across someone who has had it is the worst because I always assume I am doomed but never get it. As much as I HATE v*, and I do hate it soooo much, I'd actually rather get a *sv myself than someone in my family (house) because if they get it first I will have to deal with them having it AND worry about me getting it. Where as if I get it, then I just have it and be done. I used to be so different about my phobia...I used to be like...if I knew I was going to v* I'd rather die. I was more scared of doing it than death. I would rather know I was dying in 24 hours than if I was to be sick in 24 hours. Thankfully, I'm not as scared anymore.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by laylamommy
    [I'd actually rather get a *sv myself than someone in my family (house) because if they get it first I will have to deal with them having it AND worry about me getting it. Where as if I get it, then I just have it and be done. .
    Same here! That's the one thing i was grateful about when i got it last year, that I had it the day before Paul, because if he'd had it first then me i would have hated him for it and blamed him etc etc and then there would have been that awful "wait" - having said that though, now I know that keeping your hands out of your mouth is the key to not getting it I'd hopefully not get it even if he did..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Hm, it's a tie between the unknown of it all, and the fear of the texture.

    I don't even remember how it feels. I imagine my insides just...shaking...I can't even describe, I just fear it will hurt my insides or something.

    And I worry that the texture will be really horrible, and I'll feel it in my throat and mouth.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I think the reason people fear vomiting is because of what happens to the mouth when one vomits. If you could somehow take the mouth out of the process, then emetophobia would be greatly reduced.

    I have done surveys of emets that prove this point. The question I ask is, "How much would you fear vomiting if, instead of your mouth, the vomit came out a special orifice, like in your chest?" In such a survey on IES in 2006, 17.5 percent said that in those circumstances, they would not fear vomiting at all, and another 40 percent said they would fear it less than they do now. 43.5 percent said their fear would be the same. Not one said they would fear vomiting more.

    The survey and its accompanying discussion are here:

    Obviously, we will not see such an orifice developed for us to throw up through, but the question is still incisive because it illustrates the importance of the role of the mouth in vomiting for the emet.


    P.S. Ia2006 - All three times I remember vomiting, most recently 33 1/3 years ago, it was only one time each, and it has not made me any less of an emet.
    To learn more about emetophobia, see
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