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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    do you ever wonder how you will feel in a disaster or something like a accident?

    I HATE watching trauma/er shows but one came on last night when my show was finished.I couldn't help but wonder what i would do if i was in the situation..all i could think about would be "i hope i don't v*"! it's ridicules because the people involved in the accident had to get their freaking legs amputated! (a car crashed into them when they were out of their car..one chicks leg was severed on the scene, other one had no detection of blood flow....the other chicks legs were mangled and they said the might have to do a double amputation)

    I didnt watch the rest way too graphic for me (i used to watch those shows all the time until i started getting anxiety)

    and i know this really isn't in poll form.for some reason the poll option thinggy doesn't show up for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Vancouver, B.C, Canada


    Well i'll tell you this much.. I;d be having a panic attack for sure. Probbaly a severe one.
    and i dont think i'd be too worried about v* either. I'd be more worried about saving mine or anyone i was with lives.
    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    that's the thing..i wish i could be someone who would help out and put my craziness aside but i think i would totally freak out! this is just one of the reasons why i like to drive.when i drive..my eyes are alllll over the road and even though i tend to speed sometimes..i am vigilant.

    there was a altercation a few months ago where a weapon was pulled on someone in my group and i was freaking the f- out with the biggest panic attack..damn.

    i also wonder what would happen if i got a phone call that one of my friends/family were dead or in the hospital..i know my tummy would be in knots.

    i hate thinking like this but my OCD worries 24/7.this is one of the reasons why i keep my phone off at night...when it rings at night i get anxious thinking its a call to tell me someone is dead or in the hospital.

    "what a spaz" lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    United Kingdom


    I did that just last night. I was trying to sleep with
    the TV on loud to block out noises and could hear the
    phone in the other room. My Mum is 96 and lives in a
    rest home. If the phone rings while I am in bed I
    always imagine that it is someone calling to say that
    she has passed away!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I think it's a symptom of anxiety and or depression to worry about thing slike this. I used to do it all the time, running through scenarios in my head - i think i'd rehearsed what it would be like when my Gran died so many times that when she actually did i think I'd gone through all the grief already, if that makes sense?, and kept it together better than i thought I would've.

    It's like when there's big disasters like the tsunami or earthquakes i would try and put myself in the shoes of someone there and imagine how i would be feeling etc...i don't do it now really but in times of feeling really down ti comes back.

    I think we should try and be grateful for anything positive in our life and be thankful we aren't the unfortunate people involved in accidents or disasters and hope that we never have to find out how it actually feels.Edited by: paulinek

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I think the same - "Will I v*?" Even when I think about death and the process of it I think "I don't care if it hurts, I hope that I will not v*"
    It was hard but I'd do it again (c)
    Sometimes it takes a thousand tries to win (c)

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by tanechka1984
    I think the same - "Will I v*?" Even when I think about death and the process of it I think "I don't care if it hurts, I hope that I will not v*"
    I'm the same, my first worry with any illness or medication is "will it cause v*?" - i don't care about sore throats, pain, fever, rashes anything, but i'd rather break out in boils all over my body than v*, it's stupid.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States


    ** Do not read if your squeamish **

    I've been in the situation (Not nearly as bad though). I thought I cut my foot so deep I cut partway through a tendon. I was squirting a thick stream of dark red blood out of my foot. I thought I was gonna bleed to death! It was scary as all heck! I got an ambulance ride to the hospital (2nd best in emergency childrens care in the nation) which is 20 mins away.. I got to the hospital within 25 mins of calling 911. SO. I got put on IV Morphine, IV Zofran, Lol it was actually fun being on the morphine. I wasn't in that much pain but they insisted on giving it to me. So I finally let them. I was laughing at everything. It's so weird as it courses through your body you can just feel your muscles relaxing. It's so weird. I had 25 Internal stiches and 7 External stitches. I'd post a pic but it would probably make a few people sick. Lol.
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    I wanna see it lol I don't now why because those things gross me out (as long as they aren't in front of me, I'm cool)

    Before my anxieties were controlled as much as they were now, my OCD was CRAZY.I used to think about things 24/7.I worried about EVERYONE..even strangers! lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States


    How the heck did you manage to hurt yourself like that Justin? Yeah I always worry about what I would be like in a real trauma situation. I hope I never have to find out for sure.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    United States


    This sounds insane to ppl who aren't emets but hopefully I won't sound so crazy here with ppl who understand.
    When I was told by a neurosurgeon that I should have brain surgery to potentially fix a problem I have, I was actually more worried about v* after the surgery than having the surgery itself. I never had the surgery and when I have to go to the ER for it, I won't allow them to give me morphine cus I'm worried about v* from that. I will accept Toradol, though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    I'm oddly calm when really bad things happen. Idk why.

    I mean, I can freak out and cry all day about nothing. I find it hard when I'm in a situation that should make me freak out. When my grandfather died I didn't cry. It actually didn't really have the effect it should...though I do miss him.

    After I was in a really bad wreck, 9 months pregnant...well, after I was airlifted to the hospital (and they told me I was ok and so was the baby) even though my car was totaled and they were inducing labor..(AND my stepfather and the father of my baby *not married either* got into a physical fight up beside the ambulance...and a psycho ex lover/friend of my babies father showed up both at the accident scene taking pictures and the hospital)

    ...I was like soo happy that it had happened. Almost like a high kind of feeling. I should have been upset (about the fact that the lady who hit me shouldn't have been driving, had no insurance, and could have killed us) and the fact that I was about to have a baby (labor...yay) should have had me scared/worried/freaking out. Instead I was elated and happy. Despite all the chaos going on that night, I was calm and happy.

    I'm weird.

    I guess I was just lucky we weren't really hurt though. It would have been so tragic. If I had made one move different then that lady would have hit me head on, and I would have been toast. Small toyota tercel verses a huge buick.Edited by: laylamommy

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