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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    I don't know where else to turn. I cannot speak to anyone else, for I fear
    no one will understand me. The extent that this fear drives me is
    completely intense and terrifying. The history behind it and my struggle
    with it have only increased the feelings I have today. For a time, my fear
    subsided, but lately it has flared and has gotten in the way of my life.
    Please, bear with me as I tell you this sad and long tale. My fear of v* has
    always been in my life, always has been a part of me. After the
    catastrophic Hurricane Wilma, I was terrified to eat anything, due to fear
    of it being contaminated. I weighed 50 pounds at age eleven. Throughout
    the years after my v* experience, I was cautious about everything. My
    school has offered a field trip to Islands of Adventure, which I did not
    attend. I am upset because I would have liked to go but what was too
    frightened to do so. There are so many things I'd like to do, but cannot
    because of this awful and debilitating fear I have. I know this fear is
    irrational and I say to myself that I will be okay should a bout strike me,
    but when the slightest discomfort appears, I panic. I'm afraid that I will
    fall ill so far away from home. I don't want to think like this, and I
    certainly do not want to live like this. I wish someone would understand

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    I've yet to reach emotional catharsis over this situation. I thought that
    writing what I felt would help a lot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    United States


    Please, can anyone help me?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hi, I don't think you got any replies because you've posted in the polls section (easily done!) - maybe if you repost in the general discussion or private forums you'll get a better response?

    I think we've all felt like you do on here, it can be a very life restricting phobia if we let it. I think alot of people will agree that the severity of the phobia goes up and down, sometimes for no apparent reason, likei've gone from being nearly housebound with it to being nearly free of it and am now somewhere in between erring on the high side...have you read Sage's success story? It's very helpful and if you follow the link to her website there's a big section on noro and how to avoid getting it and personally speaking i've felt a lot more in control of things knowing there are things i can do to prevent getting it, whereas when i used to believe it was floating about everywhere in the air that was when i didn't want to go anywhere if that makes sense?

    Take comfort in the fact you aren't the only one feeling like this and we are all here for support as and when you need it.



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