Hi Donna! This is Pilar . I have a new nic now...

Anyway, you are truly an inspiration to me because I've been so worried about stomach bugs when I have kids. You handled everything so well - they say that you should "feel the fear and do it anyway", you did just that. I hope I can be as brave as you are when I'm a mom!

Your mom's incidence sounds just like a freak thing, and I wouldn't worry too much about it. My husband did the same thing a couple years ago...he woke up, v*ed, and ate a cheeseburger 3 hours later - and was just fine. It took me longer to recover than it did him!

P.S., My sister lives in KC, and I am there all the time! Maybe we could meet if you are willing and if it is convenient. I've never met another emet in person before (except one guy, who wouldn't admit it, but was actually more freaked out than I).

Congrats your strength and ability to get through all that! It sounds to me like you could handle anything.