I have posted on this forum on ''pure'' hypnosis and not come across anyone who had heard of it, or been treated under this therapy..it is alledgedly a ''different'' kind of hypnosis that is ONLY practised by therapists trained under the IAPH....they claim to be able to successfully & permanently treat emet (yes - haven't we all heard this before!! my sceptiscm given 17 years of pretty much ever treatment for emet and otherwise has resulted in a pretty cyncial view of treatment claims...) however, I have spoken to several therapists trained by the IAPH and one has pointed me to the following testimonal.....feel free to read if only for hope....their website is quite in depth and explains why they are ''different''........


I would like to believe that this is the treatment we have all been looking for, that remains to be seen...I for one will be giving it a go

x x x