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Thread: Hi! I’m new!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    United States


    Hi, My names Missy and I'm and emet! Oh my goodness, the weight this removes and adds at the same time! I've struggled with this consumption of thoughts and fears for so many years, without knowing why, and feeling completely alone, that now, I don't know if I should feel better knowing what the name of my struggle is, or if I will sink deeper into this phobia because now I know its real. I'm terrified!
    Researching this horrible DISEASE, which i believe truly it is, I'm blown away at how exact the symptoms fit me. Looking for nearest restrooms or exits in case i get sick, becoming overwhelmed that you are going to get sick when hearing someone else is ill, vigorously checking dates and freshness of foods, convincing myself that I am going to be sick with the slightest stomach discomfort, and making it worse because I constantly replay previous times (the few times in my life I have been sick) of v****ing. Its exhausting, and I am tired of it!
    I've never talked to anyone about it, because i think its silly...what will others think? I tell myself daily that its all in my head...mind over matter...I can overcome this, but the panic is still there.
    I do not know what has caused me to become an emet. I have gotten sick very few times in my life. Once in kindergarten, 4th grade, 8th grade and then twice this year...(which is strange). Maybe the cause of this is because I haven't done it very much. It seems foreign, and violent...although I tell myself its a normal body function, I can't shake the fear.
    I am so thankful to read all of your posts, and find that I am not alone. I look forward to getting to know all of you and hopefully get better because of the support i'll have here!
    Nice to meet you all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hi Missy, welcome to our little - well quite large actually - group [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here.

    I know when i first found out emet was actually a recognised phobia i was so relieved because until then i had thought i was crazy with all my funny behaviours - like you say being near exits and so on and that i was the only one out there like this, so don't be terrified, you're among friends here and it's so nice to have a place to come where you know no-one is going to take the mickey or judge you x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Alabama, USA


    Missy - welcome to the forum! We've all had that "eureka" moment of seeing others who feel like we do. It is reassuring to a degree.

    There is lots of support to be found here, but you must remember the power is within you to defeat it. We'll do everything we can to encourage you but in the end - YOU will win your battle!

    I consider my emetophobia "mostly a memory" after dealing with it for over 20 years. Like you I almost never get sick. It has been 20 years for me. That fact is reassring because I know the chances of getting sick are very very low on any given day!

    In my (somewhat educated) opinion; V* is not a "normal body function." It is an "expected failure mode" that most people take for granted. It is not something we do on a normal regular basis and because of this, it is a frightening unknown.

    Because it does (to some degree or another) indicate a failure, or loss of control, it gives me anxiety due to humiliation and loss of control in front of others.

    Anyways very glad you are here and look forward to seeing you overcome this!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    United States


    missy, welcome to the forum... I'm glad you've found this place as it is a wonderful community of people supporting each other. just wondering, where are you with your emet right now and what if any treatments are you getting? just know you're not alone and there's many going thru the same things you are.



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