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Thread: HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    United Kingdom


    Hi all, I am new to this so not really sure what I am doing!. I have had this horrid phobia for 27 years and have tried every therapy going and still cannot get rid of it or even live without obsessing about it. I used to love this time of the year with it being xmas now I HATE IT all you read is about winter V and all your hear is oh do you have that bug going round. It kills me my phobia is very bad at the moment and has even resulted in my husband of 7 years leaving me so now it is me and my 4 year old which is worrying who will deal with him when he gets sick. I am really at my wits end and have no one to talk to and get very low. My husband only left me 4 weeks ago so I am dealing with that and it seems everyone coming down with something. I thought I was safe with swine flu until someone told me it causes v as well. For god sake is there nothing we are free of. Advice help whatever PLEASE

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    heyy sorry you're going through a lot, but peopel on here are going through sort of similar things and we have lots of fears too. im so sorry about your husband and family situation. i know i love christmas and its always been my favourite holiday but this year im especially nervous because i always hear about tons of v. bugs around that time...but they are also around at other times. about the h1n1, you could get the vaccine if its avilable to you. xox
    im a girl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States


    I'm in your boat Zobo. I absolutely despise the winter months (except for Christmas, which I truly enjoy...even though two Christmas' ago both my husband and son came down with the v bug and I lived in fear for two days waiting for myself to catch it...but I didn't), not only because of the cold, but because of my v fears. Luckily, I have an understanding husband who just deals with my phobia. Just know that you aren't alone in your fear this time of the year. Also, a majority of the cases of H1N1 DO NOT v. That is my other phobia right now. If I could put my family in a bubble until Spring I would be very happy. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    United States


    I have been in the same position as you. My husband was in the Air Force and he had to go to Korea for over a year leaving me alone with two small daughters. Ages 2 and 5. As you know, at this age v******* is going to happen. I was so fearful, that it took huge amounts of effort just to drive to the grocery store, never mind dealing with a child v*******. But, when it happened, mother instincts kicked in and I dealt with it. I was supportive, kind, helpful, and inside I was hysterical, but I did it. This has not lessened my emetophobia in anyway. I'm 45 years old and my life is still controlled by this fear, however, when my girls were little and they were sick, I handled it. I found that by working on my anxiety levels, not the emetophobia, I made it through.
    If your child feels sick work on keeping yourself calm, act as if this is a normal thing (you don't want to spread your fears to him) and the only thing you can do is deal with it. If at all possible, try and see someone and work on the anxiety issues. It does help. I know, right now, these are probably not the answers you want to hear, but, unfortunately, there are no miracle cures for this and no one is going to take over for you. You are going to have to be strong for you little boy and I bet you will surprise yourself with how well you do when the time comes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Alabama, USA


    Zoe; first off - welcome to the forum!

    I really feel sad for your husband to have left you and your son. Especially for the little one.

    I too am not a holiday person. I used to love the holidays but that all changed when my sister passed away a few years back.

    When you read things about 'whatever' making people V*, remember they refer to normal people. Us emets have much more control over V'ing than most people. You would likely never V* from swine flu. You might feel really bad; but would likely not actually V*.

    I have gone 20 years without V'ing, and have endured 2 things that made others V* during that time.

    Never underestimate yourself!




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