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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Feel air or something in my esophugus and scared I am going to be sick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    you probably have excess air from eating too quickly.. have you been in a rush today? either way, if you don't feel sick other than the trapped air feeling, then it is doubtful that you'll throw up.. tried burping? it may releive the air you have locked up. also, if you've had a fizzy drink today, it will have aggrivated it.. either way, i doubt you will vomit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Snow Angel,

    Slow down. I want you to do this right now. Follow my directions.

    1) Stop. Sit still in the chair in front of your computer. (If you feel the need, grab a garbage pail and place it beside you.)

    2)Try to focus. What is it that you are feeling? Describe it, right it down, now.

    3) Breathe. Sit up straightin your chair, and take a slow, deep breath in through your mouth. Slowly, don't do it too fast. Just be nice and gentle.

    4) Hold your breath. As you hold your breath, count to 5 in your head. Once you havereached five, slowly exhale through your nose, and say to yourself in your head, "Relax."

    5) Wait another 5 seconds.

    6) Repeat steps 3 through 5, making sure that you inhale through your mouth, and exhale out you nose. As you exhale, say in your head "Relax"

    Controlling your breathing and increasing the amount of oxygen intake willsend you into a relaxed state. Repeating "relax' over and over in your head will send signals to your nerves to ease down. It takes a little practice and don't worry if you don't get it the first time, butonce you get the hang of it, you can do it anywhere, anytime, without no one even noticing.

    Try it, post back here, and tell us how you did.
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Thank you both for your replies ! I feel MUCH better based on your advice....you both made a difference to my day..and state of mind..I am happy to say I am much better & now eating a slice of pizza YUM

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Glad you feel better snow angel. I think you may have just been nervous or even hungry. If your stomach and nothing else wasnt bothering you, chances were very very slim that you were going to be sick. Glad you could enjoy some pizza!!



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