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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi Everyone. Was just feeling a bit low and needed to get things off
    my chest and you guys are the only ones who understand and know
    what I am going through.

    I'm feeling really bad at the mmoment. I haven't been sleepng very
    well these past few nights and I've not been eating properly neither
    for about 2 or 3 days now. The vicious circle has started. Because
    i've not eaten I feel abit ill and then the panic sets in and I don't want
    to eat (just in case!!) which obviously makes me feel even worse and
    then panic more, and so it goes on.

    I'm at work at the moment and am trying to keep my head together
    but all I want to do is go home. I'm at a really crucial point in my
    career at the moment and these next few weeks are really important
    and I don't want to jeopardise my job. I'm sorry to waffle on but I
    have no-one else to talk to and I feel so low I just want to scream
    and cry.

    Anyway, catch y'all later

    Spice xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Can you go get some crackers or a piece of fruit?
    Start slow,,,sip some tea.
    thinking of you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Maybe this is just caused by the fact that your job is at a very important stage, maybe if you take something to calm yourself down, it might even help you to eat and maybe you even might start to feel better, just take something until this crucial point in your life stops, and then I'm sure you will start to feel better.

    Sonia xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Agh sometimes i just want to hug everyone in these forums because I know how it feels and I feel so worthless to help...

    I hope everything turns out okay. Try to tell yourself its just your
    anxiety, and that you must push on. Like the others said, try to eat

    Personally, if I am at a really really tough time and cant get myself
    to eat much, I buy "Luna Bars" they are in the nutrition bar section at
    the grocery (at target, for some reason they are in the aisles near
    medication and suppliments) anyway, they have tons of vitamins and
    stuff in them, and I also eat them just when i have a short day at work
    and need something good to eat quickly. My favorite flavors are chai,
    smores, and peppermint. They are a dollar-something each. Not sure if
    they are availibe in the UK, if not you may be able to order them at
    the clif bar website.

    Anyway I find those to work well for munching when I am too scared to eat. Specially the mint ones.

    Feel better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I know how you feel. I have been there before. Don't ever feel bad venting to us, because that's why we're here!!! You gotta break the cycle. You got to make your self eat, or else you're just gonna feel worse and worse. Start out eating something light like fruit, crackers, soup. You might feel a little worse before you feel better, but don't let it get you down, it's just because you haven't eaten in a couple of days. Tell yourself that you are fine and it's just anxiety (i know it sounds silly but it helps kill the anxiety) The last time I was like that, I knew I had to eat, but I really didn't want to. I stood in the kitchen until i decided some spegetti sounded good. I made myself a little plate and started to eat it. At first my stomach started to feel funny, but that's just because I hadn't had any real food in a couple of days. After a few minutes, I was feeling better and acutally hungry. I had broken the cycle. If your scared to do it at work, wait till you get home, but definantly eat something!! You're not sick, you're just over hungry!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I agree that you definitely need to eat something, you might feel sick b/c the acid in your stomach has nothing to work on. If you put something in your stomach i bet you'd feel better. Start bland and small, a couple crackers or some bread. This will help soak up that extra acid. Youll feel so much better and have more energy when you eat. As for sleeping, try to relax, drink sdome tea before you go to bed, like chamomile tea, and maybe listen to a relaxing CD or somatic relaxation tape. They work real well. Do not drink caffeine at all, the effects of caffeine last a very long time, try to avoid it so you can start to get back into a regular sleep cycle.

    I'm sorry you're feeling so bad recently, and dont even be afraid to vent, it helps a little to get things off your chest. I hope youre doing better soon!




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