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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States

    Question New therapist has emetophobia? Hmmmm

    I had my first appointment with a new therapist who does EMDR and it turns out she has emetophobia too. She doesn't have it to the extreme that I do at all. She seems completely functional. I didn't get to ask too many questions about it because I was a little stunned and our session was about over. I did ask if treating me would too hard for her and she said no. I have my doubts though....
    She did say that she hasn't vomited since she was 7 and she's 60 years old now. I haven't vomited since I was 7 too and I'm 34. I have been looking for a mental health professional that can do EMDR with good CBT and eventually exposure therapy. I think I'm more uncomfortable with her being emet than she is. I made another appointment but I don't feel very optimistic about it. I'm trying to but as soon as she admitted she had the phobia too I started to panic and get sweaty.
    What would ya'll do? Would you stay with her?

  2. #2

    Default Re: New therapist has emetophobia? Hmmmm

    I might stay with her just because she seems functional and maybe can help you get functional. Sure she can't CURE it, but I mean it's not so bad for her so maybe she can make it not so bad for you? I dunno that's just my opinion. I'd personally stick it out because I have never actually met, in the flesh, another emetophobe and would really like to know how they live their day to day life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: New therapist has emetophobia? Hmmmm

    You could always just trial it & see how it goes. You never have to stay with the one person if later on you feel they are no help for you.

    I would personally love to have a therapist like that because she would truly understand how you are feeling. I find others who have never heard of emetophobia just have no real understanding at all at how it really effects us.
    A psychiatrist said to me the other day 'would it help you if you thought that kids NEED to get germs to increase their immune system'.. Rationally that is probably true, but emet wise NO WAY. They just cannot 'really' understand an emets mind, so I feel it may be good to see a therapist who has emet & seems to be living a functional life.

    Saying that I don't know this lady so it's completely your choice, if you are not comfortable then she may not be right for you. All the best.



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