Me and my mom had to go to the doctors office...Which is a bad place for me since all I can think about is "Ok...who's sick?". I'd browse around and see if anyone had a bag or something next to them, or if their face was pale. I'd generally sit away from everyone.

Anywho, I got out of the doctors office and we hopped on the bus. It was a good 45 minute ride home due to the traffic in the city. This guy came on the bus and was kind of stumbling, we couldn't tell if he was drunk or on drugs, but he sat down and put his head down. I surprisingly didn't think anything of it...Until the woman sitting next to him started waving to the bus driver in his rear view mirror and pointing at the guy. The bus driver stopped, and when he pulled over I seen it...This guy V'd right on the floor of the bus, he then got up and got off the bus, went to the grass and did it some more!

At this point I think my heart stopped. We were still 40 minutes away from home, and It was in my view. I pulled my shirt up over my nose and closed my eyes. The guy tried to get back on the bus, and the bus driver shook his head no, thankfully...But it was still there on the floor. The woman in front of us asked if I was alright and my mother said "She's scared of V*". That's not something you want to go around telling people.

We road 40 minutes home with that, and people were opening the windows because it apparently smelled. I would'nt know, I had my shirt over my nose and my fingers plugging my nose.

This was 2 years ago. I haven't been on a bus since, and I refuse to take one.