So this isn't the first time this happens to me but it scares me beyond belief. I'm on day 3 of really barely eating and last night I was suffering, I guess from an empty stomach and only fell asleep at 2 this morning, and I was up at 5 to go to work. Driving in, I started feeling the pain in my stomach but not the normal hunger pains, the pains where you think your stomach is being ripped apart, and you feel like you could v* and food is not apealing.

I did this to myself over 2 years ago, and I panicked like mad and I was at home. Now I'm at work experiencing this and I am trying to keep calm, the tears are pouring but I haven't left yet. Instead I made myself a toast and am eating it slowly, and surprisingly the pains are leaving, but I hardly doubt that one piece of toast can possibly erase the 3 days, so I know its going to hit me again, and again I don't want to leave work, I missed one day this week already, but I am afraid this will end up beating me.

Has anyone ever gone through this, I know that Jenneh was going through something like this, but I don't recall if she was feeling this way or she was just weak and faint.

I'd love to hear your stories.