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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Question Friends not taking it seriously

    I know a lot of you warn your friends about having this phobia and maybe some don't acknowledge it and hope it never comes up. But how many people really take it seriously?

    I feel like some of my friends have no idea how much it effects me. Or maybe they think I am just exaggerating. A lot of people are afraid of "typical" scary or gross things - bugs, spiderwebs, even the dark. But I think it's safe to say that the majority of those people don't live their life around whether or not they might see a spider somewhere, or praying they are never short on light bulbs.

    I have one friend who is very intelligent, however she once had the nerve to tell me that anxiety disorders and problems are "all in the head" and that you can just make yourself "get over it." I was never so shocked and insulted by her ignorance, even more so because she is very opinionated and self-righteous. I would expect that from an uneducated person, or even someone from a different generation. But not someone who works with doctors on a consistent basis.

    I posted this topic because I wanted to hear about your experiences with this type of thing. Also, is it better to even be honest with certain people? Or just make up other reasons why you don't like to do certain things? (Ex: "I don't go to bars because I don't drink/don't go to clubs because the music gives me a headache/I'm too old for that.")

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    New Jersey (Soon to be Carolina!!) United States

    Default Re: Friends not taking it seriously

    I've been an self-proclaimed lesser version of an emet for about 5 years. I'll be 30 in two months and I have no clue where it came from. I moved in with my now ex about 5 years ago and the fright came around that time. I couldn't explain it. I thank my stars that I am not afraid of the v itself, but more the sv. When someone's been drinking or is pregnant, I can be in the same room or even help out. If I know its that time where something is going around, I panic immediately. (Like now...)
    I told my boyfriend of the time after some battles with myself and conversations with my parents. Not many people know, but the people I felt could relate to me, I mentioned it to. Im a writer, and to best express it, I wrote and shared with my family members and friends that I felt needed to know. After they read, I was open to questions and answers, if needed, and it was actually a freeing thing for me. I felt if I needed support that I could now turn to them.
    The more I opened up about things and was just honest, the more I realized who I could trust.
    In my opinion, if they looked at me funny or I got the impression they didn't understand, I left it at that. I've never brought it up in front of them again and I never let on if something was bothering me. I've found my true friends over the last 5 years, and it may not be that they understand, or look at you funny, but who cares? We all have battles. This is ours.
    If those you have told love you, they will support you and help you. If they don't understand and make fun, I think the answer is quite clear. Don't let the door hit ya.
    Ive been away from this site for about 3 years, but the sv is thundering through my house. I haven't eaten since Friday and barely left my bed. Mom had it first, but I was somewhat taking care of her with my dad, so I was proud of myself in that sense. Then my dad got it last night and now Im just nervous it's my turn..

    This phobia is really ridiculous. I just wish I knew I wasn't going to get it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Friends not taking it seriously

    Luckily none of my friends have been unkind about my phobia, and my best friend is very sympathetic and caring and doesn't mind me ranting on about it, but there are a few who I just give an excuse to as to why i don't like something as you said, not everyone is as understanding.
    I'm guilty of being innocent
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