Does anyone else have ALL of these?
Because everytime I look for "cures" and such, It always classes "anxiety disorder" and "panic disorder" and "OCD" seperatley. But I feel I have all of these! I obsess about being sick, I worry about being sick all the time, I get depressed from it and I have frequent panic attacks. I feel like a complete mental f**k up. Anyone else feel the same?
I'm only 17 and I hate it. I want help but I can't find it. I've tried hypnotherapy - failed to work. I consistantly worry. Today I had a driving lesson and my instructor's wife is ill with cancer in hospital and he said he couldn't get into Worcester hospital because there was a norovirus outbreak. This then scared me to death even though I hadn't been to hopstial. But I thought somehow he could have it because he might of touched the doors ect. So now i'm worrying about that. I just obsess about everything. As soon as I stop obsessing about something, I start on something else. I HATE OCD and it all. I just want to be normal... am I ever going to be able to make my boyfriend happy?
AHH sorry. Really frustrated/anxious/sad/depressed/confused/angry :/