I started cipralex a few weeks ago.. and with the great suggestion of another member I started with 2.5 mg for 1 week, then 5 mg for the following two weeks, and not I am on 7.5 mg for 1 week, and will bump up to 10 mg next week..

I was really afraid of n****.. and the doctor told me to start on 5 mg for 2 weeks, then bump up to 10 mg ...I was very concerned since I am a full-time student and cannot afford to miss any school. Also this is my very first anti-dep. ever.. however I am glad that the member told me to start very gradually.. I didn't get any n*** just some vivid dreams but now I am doing okay. I take it at night with a slice of bread and some water. I actually feel some effects already, less anxiety, a bit more energy/concentration which is great.

I am not a pharmacist.. but this gradual increase seems to be quite logical.. just need to keep track on a calendar and split your pills well..