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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Englanddd :)

    Wink People should be more careful about germs and stuff...

    Anyway... I'm here to have a little rant about peoples hygiene these days... It irritates me when people have the chance to do things to stop themselves spreading germs e.g. washing hands you know all that stuff... I dunno but it gets on my nerves because it's really simple stuff... the other day my friend came into school and was like "I couldn't stop puking yesterday" then I spent the entire day being concious Last time I had a stomach bug, I stayed in my room for 3 days to prevent my familly getting it... I have a cold now and I'm being extra hygienic so that no-else will get ill as well... I think if everyone in the world was emetophobic the norovirus and stuff probably wouldn't last long....
    I do understand them though because I guess they just don't think about it... but you guys all know what I mean xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Philly by way of England

    Default Re: People should be more careful about germs and stuff...

    I think part of it is culture... people view proper hand washing as excessive or paranoid. I mean, if you think about it, how many people in a restaurant do you see going to the loo before they order food? And yet, you should wash up EVERY TIME before you eat. It's funny because our mums taught us to do that and yet we so often neglect it when we need to do it most (when we're out in public).

    My mates often see my hand washing as excessive, and I only wash up during the usual recommended times. I've heard the argument "You're going to get sick anyway" but I tend to remain healthy for long stretches, so I don't really care what their argument is; they just need an excuse for being lazy. Imagine if they ridiculed me for brushing my teeth twice a day; it would be silly.



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