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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    Why do
    people with sick bugs always insist on coming to work when they still
    feel abit minging!!! Do they not realise they risk spreading it round
    the whole office?![img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

    I've had my phobia since I can remember, I can't cope with anything
    related to it. I hate car journeys incase I get car sick (I never had
    before). I don't like flying incase I'm air sick (never have before).
    Don't like drinking in pupb incase I'm sick (never have
    before)....starting to see a pattern here?? [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Anyway...last tuesday someone had a sick bug and was off work. I
    thought they'd be off for two days to get over it, but they turned up
    on Wednesday still feeling minging. I treated him as if he had the
    plague for the rest of the week. I was stressing like mad, which flared
    my IBS up big time making me start to feel worse.

    Fast forward to today...I'm just starting to feel OK again, safe in the
    knowledge that I've escaped the lurg when I get a phone call from my
    partner. He's not feeling 100% and had a minor accident (not a crash)
    while in the car on the way to work (let's just say he's not wearing
    underpants or socks). Straight away I go into panic mode...I'm shaking
    from head to foot and do my best to be supportive to him and not self
    absorbed in my own issues. Sounds like it might just be a case of bad
    food (although it was his day off yesturday so he ate the same things I
    did, yet I feel fine). Afew other people in his work have bad stomach
    too but he wont tell me if they are just pooing or more!!


    I feel so sorry for him as I can't be 100% supportive when I wont go anywhere near someone when they have the lurg!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I do the same, I get mad when people come to work sick, spreading their germs around, even if it's a bad cold. We have paid sick leave, so use it!!!!

    I avoid people like the plague if they'd been sick. I'm lucky in that I have an actual office, so I can pretty much stay isolated if I want to.

    About your partner, poor thing, I've always had this secret worry about having an accident in the car. Does he know about your phobia?

    I don't know what else to say, except I hope you feel better and he feels better soon! Hugs to you!
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    What I hate the most about this time of year and all year, is people don't wash their hands. How digusting to see someone walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands. My daughter just laughs that I watch people do this. But come on people. Do they just not think? That is how things are past. I met a women in the bathroom once (that sounds funny but)she was washing her hands and she went to the paper towels before shutting off the water. I of course I do the same thing, but she made a comment to me how she has never seen anyone else like her and it was nice to see someone else concerned about hygiene. She also said people just digust her. So that is my two cents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by 2jo2

    About your partner, poor thing, I've always had this
    secret worry about having an accident in the car. Does he know
    about your phobia?

    I don't know what else to say, except I hope you feel better and he feels better soon! Hugs to you!

    he knows about it, but doesn't really understand it. He thinks it's quite irrational, and I tend to agree, can't stop it though.

    He's feeling fine this afternoon, still off his food and wanting to
    stay close to the toilet but he's not being sick. Everyone in his work
    seems to have come down with it on the same day too....they're saying
    it's like a dripping tap round the back (whatever that means??[img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]).

    Anyway....he's not looking forward to the drive home as the traffic
    will be worse than it was this morning. Better have a bath run for when
    he gets in [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    Quote Originally Posted by goosey
    What I hate the most about this
    time of year and all year, is people don't wash their hands. How
    digusting to see someone walk out of the bathroom without washing their
    hands. My daughter just laughs that I watch people do this. But come
    on people. Do they just not think? That is how things are past. I
    met a women in the bathroom once (that sounds funny but)she was
    washing her hands and she went to the paper towels before shutting off
    the water. I of course I do the same thing, but she made a comment to
    me how she has never seen anyone else like her and it was nice to see
    someone else concerned about hygiene. She also said people just digust
    her. So that is my two cents.</font>

    I always wash my hands after using the toilet, even more so when there
    are bugs around. I'm really picky about my food too...if it smells
    slightly iffy then I'm not eating it. Same with the Use by
    dates.....even if it's only one day off expiring, I still wont eat it.

    Edited by: spike_uk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    some people are just work aholics. Maybe their homelife isnt the best and they escape it by working.

    I think its gorss if someone who is sicks asks to share food or something, but if its justa small stomach bug or something I dont' see why they should be forced to stay home just because we are afraid of getting sick. Maybe they dont want thier family members to get it, so they go to work. don't assume they are just not thinking.

    life goes on even when they are sick. Thats they're way of thinking.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I totally understand. A few weeks ago, my boss's two sons both
    had a stomache bug. My boss came to work telling everyone about
    how right before he left for work, his son was sick all over the
    carpet, so he picked him up, and rushed him to the sink.
    Gross. I kept thinking....I hope he showered before comming
    in. For three days I was like you, avoiding him, and everything
    he touched. I ended up being fine, and so did he and his
    wife. So you'll probably be ok. Carrie



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