Hi everyone

Haven't posted in awhile so I though I'd give some updates with the hypnotherapy sessions I have been having.

Its been going really really well..My emetophobia has eased a lot since starting these sessions. I made a very long distance trip in a car and ate a lot of unknown food and had vertigo for awhile..which made my emetophobia go crazy..but I've been listening to some sessions on a CD that promotes self worth and optimism that have really helped at work and social situations.

I will always have a bit of anxiety when it comes to food and travelling, but I look forward to the positive things in life like family, passions, friends, good times and sunrises. I feel happy...

I would highly recommend trying it even once..you will be amazed how much you learn about yourself and the fears that you carry like heavy stones around for nothing..

Best of luck to you all

PM any Q's I will try to reply as quick as possible