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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Flight Attendant

    Hey guys. I recently graduated from college (Tourism & Travel) and I've always wanted to be a flight attendant. I have been applying to different airlines, but right now I'm on the edge, I really would love to do it, but then my fear of v* comes in. I'm scared of myself doing it and seeing other passengers do it. I myself have never had any problems flying (because I take Gravol everytime I have to fly), but if I fly for a living, I'm not going to be able to do that because of how tired it makes you, or the fact that I don't WANT to.

    Any emets out there who fly without Gravol? Have you had any problems?

    I also hear that people who are susceptible to motion sickness can get used to it if they are exposed to it for prolonged periods of time. Is this true?

    Thanks for all your help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Flight Attendant

    Hey there

    I fly often and dont use any meds. I do just fine. But i dont fly over 3 hours and i am sure being a flight attendant u may have to fly longer than that so i am not sure how that will work. I'm sorry that i wasnt much help. Good Luck though..YOU CAN DO IT!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA west coast

    Default Re: Flight Attendant

    Hi! I fly a lot too...long distances (5+ hrs). I get nauseas only due to nerves...my biggest fear is someone else getting airsick, and I'll be trapped. I've read horror stories about what flight attendants have to endure:
    If you google phares along the lines of "flight attendant, stories, horror, vomit" etc...you'll get some interesting results.
    Do you suffer from motion sickness? I think that of all the ways I travel, I suffer the least from air travel (for motion sickness). If you do, just take a low-drowsiness Dramamine or something, you should be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Flight Attendant

    Hello there!
    I'm a flight attendant and have been one for years now....it's an amazing job and I absolutely love it! Well, except for the pay...
    I know quite a few flight attendants who take Bonine (non-drowsy Dramamine) when they fly but I've never taken it myself. I do carry it with me of course, just in case. Original Dramamine is a no-no at most airlines since it does make you drowsy and groggy and you really need to be very alert at this job. I have been airsick once years ago, but it was on a tiny Cessna over South Beach and it was seriously windy. Didn't actually vomit, but felt pretty horrible for awhile there.

    You do get used to the motion since alot of the time you have to sit backwards for takeoff and landing and so forth. And bad turbulence to a passenger will seem like nothing to you eventually. In fact, the rocking usually makes me sleepy!

    As far as the passengers getting ill it unfortunately does happen. My first airline I was on a smaller jet and I was the only FA onboard. My emet was at its worst back then and yet somehow I managed. I will tell you that the majority of the time the passenger will deal with it themselves, and if it's a child a parent will clean it up and take care of it. Sometimes you won't even know about it until someone hands you a airsick bag. But it doesn't happen all the time, and is pretty rare. I worked at a few bars a long time ago and saw way more vomit then than I have during my years as a flight attendant.

    You'd all be surprised at how many flight attendants are slightly to severely emetophobic....it's really odd! But if you work on a plane with more than one FA its alot easier...then you know you're not alone.

    If you've always wanted to do it then go for it. I love, love, love my job....and even though I have my panciky moments I don't let it interfere. That's life, right?

    If you have any questions let me know. I'd be happy to help!



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