Don't give up hope on therapy, people. I have found a counselor who understands. In my last session, he handed me a sheet of paper on the Do's and Dont's of his job. You may want to jot these down or print this out for the counselor or psychiatrist that you are seeing.

Don't: Feel you need to understand in order to help.

Do: Knowthat what phobic people are experiencing is real.

Don't: Think they are doing this for attention.

Do: Realize they are embarassed and want to change.

Don't: Be critical or use put-down statements.

Do: Be gentle and supportive, and build up their self-confidence.

Don't: Assume you know what is best.

Do: Ask how you can help.

Don't: Make them face a threatening situation without planning.

Do: Give them instruction in positive self-talk and relaxation exercises.

Don't: Make them face the situation alone.

Do: Be there and assure them of your support.

Don't: Begin with difficult situations.

Do: Help them to begin facing the fear in small increments.

Don't: Constantly ask, "How are you feeling?"

Do: Help them to see the value of having other interests.

Edited by: sweetfreak