I will be 18 this year and my boyfriend and I have booked a week at a cottage in Devon (my idea) partly as a nice holiday for us and partly because as I'm turning 18, legally an adult, I thought it would be the perfect time to take a big step and actually go on holiday, which I haven't been able to do for 2 years now as my Emetophobia has been at it's strongest and I am too scared to travel (fear of feeling ill far away from home/not being able to leave if I feel ill/panic etc.)

I thought this would be a good idea as I will be taking a big step by travelling and hopefully after this big step, I will be able to do more things as I can use it as a reminder that if I can do something that big without my phobia ruining it, I can do anything, thus being able to live my life more easily without feeling scared about feeling ill the whole time, as it currently prevents me from doing stuff I used to be able to do and miss doing. Plus, as I will be a legal adult this year I find it fitting that I kick this phobia which stems from my childhood fears once and for all by doing this.

I have been really looking forward to this holiday, yet slightly apprehensive as we are going by train; specifically 3 different trains, with a total journey time of 5 hours. For me this is the scariest thought in the whole world, and as the holiday draws closer (a month away now) I am feeling more panicky about the journey. The main worry for me is that I will feel ill on the train because I'll get panicky about going so far away and won't be able to get home, or that I'll be away from home for a week (a long time for me) and feel ill while I'm there without the comfort of my own home/bed etc..so many other things too.

I know I have to do this for myself and if I don't I will regret it forever, but as logical as my thinking is, emetophobia is taking a stronger hold and giving me bad thoughts and feelings of panic which drown out the rational thoughts. I really need advice on coping strategies whilst I'm away from home, ways to calm myself down and general comforting, rational thoughts of others, as they always have much more of an effect on me than if I'm just trying to tell myself the same things in my head.

Any advice or just anything you could offer would be appreciated so much, as I am really really worrying.
Thank you for anything you can offer.