DOES anyone else have anxiety attacks in the movie theaters? this is a new thing for more to add to the list of situations that give me panic attacks.....instead of watching the movie, i am watching everyone else to make sure they are not going to throw up. a few days ago it was one guy who kept putting his head between his knees during the movie (i mean, first of all who does that during a movie? and second who wouldnt think that guys about to throw up?? well apparently my bf didnt but whatever)
then yesterday i went and i was convinced that atleast 5 ppl in there were about to throw up....i am becoming really obsessive with this!! and I was giving up on the idea of getting help because its too expensive, but after last night in the movie theater, i realize if i dont do something, eventually every part of my life that involves people will have to disappear and i will end up a hermit in my house....