Brand new here. I was just SO happy to see that it's not just me. When I mention to others that I have a fear of v*, they just look at me like I'm, "well, who doesn't". No....this is different. Of course, no one likes to v*, but even if someone mentions "I don't feel well", I start shaking, sweating and have to get away as quickly as possible. I don't necessarily have a fear of v* myself, but absolutely can't stand to be around others if they do. Lucky me, I have 2 kiddos and work in a hospital. Nothing like facing your fears head-on...

I'm not sure when all of this started for me. I remember having these adverse reactions since childhood. My first vivid memory was when I was 8, so I think this might have been the beginning. It was my brother's high school graduation and my mom was sick. (she was always to have a "weak stomach"). Anyway, she v* in the car on the way (we'd barely left home) and I couldn't get away. Then, she v* again in the car when we got back to the parking lot. I remember standing outside the car, holding my ears and just shaking horribly. It was awful. She is very "violent" when she is v* (meaning, very loud!!) From then on, any time someone was sick, I'd have these reactions. When I finally did a search online for "fear of v*", I couldn't believe that there were others like me!!! Finally, a name for what I have. I'm NOT crazy. I'm not alone. There are others out there that get it when I say I have a fear of v*. Wow. I'm sorry for everyone else, but it's so good to know it's not just me!!!!

Fast forward a "few" years....I have a 3-1/2 year old and a 3 month old. Of course kiddos v* a lot. I've had to learn to deal with it. Well, I say that word loosely. My son (3-1/2 year old) had a stomach bug earlier this year and he was sooooo sick. He started v* at 9:30 at night and did again every 20-30 min until 3am! I ended up just sitting in the recliner with him holding a bucket. I shoke violently the whole time, but I had to be there for him. My hubby works nights a lot, so it was just me. Anyway, we made it, but it was NOT a good night!!!

Then, just last week at work, a patient was in my office talking to me and suddenly asks if he can borrow my trashcan because he was sick. I couldn't get out. He was between me and the door. Instantly, I started violently shaking and feeling panicky. He ended up not get sick, but I couldn't get him out of my office fast enough. It took me a good 30 min to calm down and quit shaking!!!

Anyway, just a little history about me. I'm glad to be here and hopefully I can find some ways of dealing with this!!!

Oh, btw, do I have to write v* like that, or can I write out the whole word?? It doesn't bother me to type the word, but I didn't know if it was a rule around here or something.