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Thread: Another Newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Another Newbie

    Brand new here. I was just SO happy to see that it's not just me. When I mention to others that I have a fear of v*, they just look at me like I'm crazy...like, "well, who doesn't". No....this is different. Of course, no one likes to v*, but even if someone mentions "I don't feel well", I start shaking, sweating and have to get away as quickly as possible. I don't necessarily have a fear of v* myself, but absolutely can't stand to be around others if they do. Lucky me, I have 2 kiddos and work in a hospital. Nothing like facing your fears head-on...

    I'm not sure when all of this started for me. I remember having these adverse reactions since childhood. My first vivid memory was when I was 8, so I think this might have been the beginning. It was my brother's high school graduation and my mom was sick. (she was always sick....claims to have a "weak stomach"). Anyway, she v* in the car on the way (we'd barely left home) and I couldn't get away. Then, she v* again in the car when we got back to the parking lot. I remember standing outside the car, holding my ears and just shaking horribly. It was awful. She is very "violent" when she is v* (meaning, very loud!!) From then on, any time someone was sick, I'd have these reactions. When I finally did a search online for "fear of v*", I couldn't believe that there were others like me!!! Finally, a name for what I have. I'm NOT crazy. I'm not alone. There are others out there that get it when I say I have a fear of v*. Wow. I'm sorry for everyone else, but it's so good to know it's not just me!!!!

    Fast forward a "few" years....I have a 3-1/2 year old and a 3 month old. Of course kiddos v* a lot. I've had to learn to deal with it. Well, I say that word loosely. My son (3-1/2 year old) had a stomach bug earlier this year and he was sooooo sick. He started v* at 9:30 at night and did again every 20-30 min until 3am! I ended up just sitting in the recliner with him holding a bucket. I shoke violently the whole time, but I had to be there for him. My hubby works nights a lot, so it was just me. Anyway, we made it, but it was NOT a good night!!!

    Then, just last week at work, a patient was in my office talking to me and suddenly asks if he can borrow my trashcan because he was sick. I couldn't get out. He was between me and the door. Instantly, I started violently shaking and feeling panicky. He ended up not get sick, but I couldn't get him out of my office fast enough. It took me a good 30 min to calm down and quit shaking!!!

    Anyway, just a little history about me. I'm glad to be here and hopefully I can find some ways of dealing with this!!!

    Oh, btw, do I have to write v* like that, or can I write out the whole word?? It doesn't bother me to type the word, but I didn't know if it was a rule around here or something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Another Newbie

    I was happy to learn I wasn't alone!! What kind of hospital work do you do? I'm going into nursing school soon....I must be crazy! Lol. As for your son being that sick....good job on handeling it! If my daughter even gags I get so freaked out. I don't think I could hold a bucket for her. Also, some people don't like seeing the whole word so we write v* to be nice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Another Newbie

    I work in an outpatient clinic, doing diet education. I'm a dietitian. But I do have to go up on the floors sometimes....and lemme tell ya....if I see one of those basins they give you when you're sick, I make it a quick visit. Seriously, what possessed me to work in a hospital?????



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