Firstly I would like to say that I thought I was the only person in the world with this phobia, now I realise I am not.

I have a terrible fear of any kind of vomit from humans weather it is me about to vomit or other people, the thing is I have avoided vomiting for over 20years by taking anti vomiting tablets, does anyone else do this? This is not normal surely? I will take them anytime I think I may have eaten something that may make me ill or if I have been around anyone with a bug! I do the other normal things that people with this fear do like not eating food unless prepared by me, avoiding chicken and so on. I think my fears stems from childhood as we used to travel a lot and I always suffered with car sickness and my brother used to also, so if I wasn't vomiting whilst traveling then my brother was.

Anyway last weekend came to a head as whilst camping I became very ill and because I was asleep I didnt have enough time to take my anti sickness tablets in time to stop me vomiting and to make things worse because I was camping there was no where private to vomit, so was in full view of lots of people and this lasted for most of the worst nightmare!!!! Thankfully I am now home and better but still very stressed by the situation, I am thinking about it the whole time and really worried by what I eat now!! Please help!