Hello all! I recently got back from Florida with my best friend. We were gone from 8/17-8/22. We flew into Fl, and I was nervous about flying as I'm always paranoid that someone will become ill on the flight (I've been on at least 100 flights and it rarely happens, yet I still worry). The flight was uneventful, and we arrived safely. During the vacation, I spotted someone becoming ill on the side of the road, a guy in a club heaved right in front of us but ran to the restroom before anything was ejected, two huge piles of v* right as we were entering Magic Kingdom (there was a cast member directing people around the mess but it was still in plain sight...GROSS), and then when we boarded our flight back home, I turned around to see the lady behind me shivering and a shade of green, holding the air sickness bag up to her face. Being the emet that I am, I told the man in the seat next to me that I had to move NOW, and my best friend and I changed seats.

Unfortunately, people are ill all the time and there's nothing that can be done to avoid it. In all except the plane situation, I remained extremely calm, though I was a bit shaken on the inside. We visited 6 theme parks, countless restaurants, a few nightclubs, etc., and all I could think about the whole time was whether or not someone would get sick. I feel I did a pretty good job of keeping myself as calm as possible, especially on the huge rollercoasters (and I love rollercoasters...I was just worried someone would become ill when we were riding).

I guess my point is that you guys shouldn't let this phobia stop you from doing what you love to do. I LOVE to travel, and my friend and I are actually planning on going back to Fl in March for the 3rd year in a row. Although I think too much and worry too much, I know that I have an irrational fear, and if someone IS ill in my presence I deal with the situation to the best of my ability, while trying not to let it ruin my fun.