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Thread: Sixth sence...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Do you think some of us have a sixth sence... or pyscic ( sp) ability..

    My grandmother was always known for her premonitions... and fortune telling, she was an incredible lady. Ive been to a fortune teller who said I am alot like an older woman in my life ( I think she means my grandmother) and quite pyscic myself. Im not sure I believe this, but strange things do happen to me sometimes.

    Like, just certain feelings. you know, that coincidemce that was too crazy to be a coincidence...

    my grandmother has always told me It is bad luck to see one crow by itself. In the summer, I was driving along when we hit a crow. the only animal i have EVER hit. I felt so bad and got this funny feeling about it. 3 days later, I was involved in a car accident, I was this close--- from being killed. ( i was driving). the ONLY accident I have ever been in. creepy dont you think!

    Does anyone have a story like this... I find it so facinationg!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    I do 100% believe in that. Back in 1996, I was minding
    my own business driving through an intersection and all of a sudden,
    not sure what it was but something just MADE me look towards my right,
    and what do I see, a Mac truck rolling through the red light, where I
    was going through the green and I just DROVE FAST, but the back
    side of my car still got hit, if I hadnt looked I could have gotten
    killed! I think someone was trying to protect me and sent me a message
    telling me to GET OUT OF THE WAY! Another interesting thing that
    happened BOTH times was... a few days before my daughter was born, I
    literally felt a presence around and felt a chill or something...like
    it was a nice feeling, then a few days after that is when my water had
    broken. Then the same with my son this year... about a week before he
    was born (they both were early too) I felt the same thing! I knew
    something was there and my daughter who was 23 months at the time
    looked at something, just looked in the area where I felt something and
    she was staring and staring and all of a sudden got startled! She ran
    over to me and grabbed me and that is when I KNEW something was
    there... but not sure what it was... but I have felt things and have
    had premonitions of things happening... but not always... when it was
    discovered that my husband had the tumor back in late Feb, I had no
    feelings about it... I dont know, strange. But I totally believe in
    that stuff. I believe there are signs and there are spirits that send
    signals to us, but whether we pay attention to them or not is another



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I will tell you a weird story that happened a while back...

    One night, I was in bed with my hubby, and I started falling asleep. Just as I started dozing, I dreamt of a big firework shooting up in the sky, and it turned into a space shuttle, and then blew up. It was creepy! I turned over to tell my husband what I just saw, and we left it at that.

    Well, a few days later, I had heard on the radio in the car, that the Space Shuttle Columbia was supposed to go up to space. (which I had NO clue of before this) I looked over at my husband and said, "Wow, that's weird! I just dreamt of a shuttle blowing up!". I then asked my husband if he thinks that my dream meant anything, and he said "you never know". I just shook it off and kept driving.

    The day the shuttle was going to go up, I mentioned to my husband that I wondered if my dream meant that this shuttle was going to blow up. I was a bit concerned, and even wondered if I should say something to someone about it...since it was a very wierd, vivid, strange premonition.

    Well, I left it along again, and later learned that the shuttle made it to space with no problem. "Phew!"...I guess I figured I was wrong. BUT...That is when I told my husband, "Well maybe it will happen on the way back!"....My husband just kinda shrugged it off, even though I kept telling him my concern.

    Well, the day came....It was morning to early afternoon when I was in bed and my husband was at his mothers for a bit. The phone rang, and I answered it while I was half asleep. "Hello?" And on the other end was my husband..."Uh, Charlotte...um, that dream you had about the space shuttle....really happened. It just happened not long ago." He had seen it on the news.

    I freaked!! I said "NO WAY"...And he told me that it had really happened. I felt funny all day, on into the next week. I felt wierd, but yet like maybe I should have told someone??? My mother told me I shouldn't have told someone, because I may wind up with the FBI at my door.... for knowing it was going to happen. I am still freaked to this day, and for every big airplane crash disaster, I dream of a plane crash just before.

    I have dreamt of a plane crashing, that was white in color, with a big blue stripe. I never thought anything about it, until I went to my insurance agent, and saw a pic of that same plane, hanging on their wall. I know which plane I dreamt about, and I am much too afraid to tell!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] Charlotte



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