Hello to all,
I have been coming to this site for a couple of months to read everything I can about emetophobia. My 17 year old daughter has suffered from this since she can remember. Just recently has started to get really bad. She had sv over 2 years ago and that was the first time since she had been 2 years old. She will wake me up at least 2 nights a week because of an upset stomach. Most of the time just talking her thru it will help, but as of latley she has been getting alot of anxiety and a few panic attacks. The dr. put her on prozac about 4 weeks ago along with counselling( only 2 sessions as of this week). She seened to be doing a little better earlier this week, but the last couple of days, she has come home from school telling about a few kids that are coming down with SV and that it is going around. She is sooooo fearful of going to school, but I can't keep her home until it passes. She walked in school this morning and had to walk right pass v on the floor. She was freaking out and saying how now she will get it herself. As much as I try to reassure her that that is not the way to get it. it is very hard for her to understand. My best advise to her today was to make it thru the day and make sure to wash hands as often as you can and before eating lunch(which I doubt she will eat at all ) and DO NOT touch your face. This is so hard as a mother to sit and watch your child go thru this fear and most people do not understand. I can't pull her out of school, this is her senior year and I really would likr her to enjoy it. I try to tell her that everyday she goes and makes it thru the day, is another day she faced her fear.
Thank you for taking the time to read some of my story.
